Learn Hebrew – How to Introduce Yourself in Hebrew

Learn Hebrew - How to Introduce Yourself in Hebrew

http://www.HebrewPod101.com/video Learn to introduce yourself in Hebrew with our Hebrew in Three Minutes series! In Israel, manners are important, and this s…
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24 thoughts on “Learn Hebrew – How to Introduce Yourself in Hebrew

  1. Bonjour Yana, great video.
    At 2:30 why are you using “h” to transcript the letter (final) kaf rather
    than “kh”? I would think that otakh and otkha would be more accurate, what
    do you think?

  2. She talks ashkanazi accent not the native Hebrew.why do they put a picture
    of Islamic mosque(Qubbat Alsakhra)?thats unusual.

  3. Ok how can I learn hebrew fast and good when youre native is an germanic
    language.? This sounds complete alien to me i only know some yiddish words
    like mazzeltov and many bad words

  4. Yes you’re right. Good thing is that nowadays we have the internet, so
    people can watch videos of everyday people talking normal Hebrew in any
    field of interest they have. They can talk to people who speak Hebrew, and
    read thing that are written in Hebrew. Doing this along with learning
    vocabulary will help them learn everyday Hebrew and colloquial phrases.

  5. “othem” is used only when you’re speaking to more than one person. There
    isn’t formal/informal words for the word “you”.

  6. These videos are rather confusing for the language learners, because
    mentioned phrases like “Naim meod” or “Ein Be’ad Ma” are rarely used here
    in Israel and are usually used only in formal language. Guess the best way
    to really learn a language (any language) is to really be exposed to it.
    Not just to its vocabulary

  7. Even though I’ve tried to learn and memorize a couple of words in Hebrew
    language from the Bible before, a long time ago, and I almost forgot
    everything, it’s the first time I’m really trying to engage in a hard
    mission of learning some Hebrew. There are so many beautiful places in
    Israel. Never forget, oh Israel, the Lord God loves you so much! The Lord
    Jesus loves you so much!

  8. amm..well.. i don’t know if there’s alot i could do for u in this
    comment… i haven’t watched any other videos and i don’t know how many of
    them are there but if you watched all of them and your hebrew still poor
    than this videos aren’t that great..i guess.. well.. if you have any other
    place i could send you longer comments or stuff than maybe i’ll send you a
    lesson about א-ב.. but then again.. i’m not really a teacher, and i’m a
    12th grade studentnso i’m really busy.. but i will try to help..

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