DON’T JOIN Banners Broker – Banners Broker is Not Paying!

DON'T JOIN Banners Broker -  Banners Broker is Not Paying!

DON’T JOIN Banners Broker – Banners Broker is Not Paying! CLICK HERE – – Start Making Money With AdHitProfits Banners broker is a a…

21 thoughts on “DON’T JOIN Banners Broker – Banners Broker is Not Paying!

  1. BanBroker Virtual Money that is nothing more than a screen display and
    people are getting sucked in hook line and sinker.

  2. hi denis i would like to try that program adhitprofits can i send u invite
    on skype if i will b have some questions about that i lost job on that
    year and evrything is crap i have problems to find somthing pernament i
    will b very greatful

  3. All these programmes start off paying and then later introduce changes that
    puts you of and stop paying . Banners broker has taught me a leason.

  4. They haven’t paid since may. Now rumor has it they started paying “some”
    people via stp. This company has no business. They recycle the money from
    the new people like a pyramid or musical chairs but they have no REAL
    advertising business.

  5. I know two people who’ve just got paid $800 and $2000. I am confident that
    Chris will pay as he has promised. He is doing his best. Just remember we
    got back a lot for what we gave. As for time, I am not spending that much
    time and never did. You just need to go into a group who is working pro
    Bannersbroker and stay away from people who are pessimistic as this helps.
    And find other income resources if you are not pleased.

  6. I am going to try this ad hit profit, I can’t pay yet but I want to see if
    I can tart earning anything if I’m just a free user

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