Pastor Donald Hunter Biblical Parenting and Families Part 2

Understanding Parenting based on the bible.
Video Rating: 5 / 5

Claire Kamp Dush, assistant professor of Human Development and Family Science at The Ohio State University, found that children who are born and grow up in s…
Video Rating: 3 / 5

11 thoughts on “Pastor Donald Hunter Biblical Parenting and Families Part 2

  1. you found some interesting results eh? Reality does not support your
    conclusions.Get out of academia and into the real world and you will see
    just how poorly single-parent homes are truly doing.Enter the “ME”
    generation. Teens who have not a clue about life nor the tools to cope with
    life.But rest assured, the women’s advocate Family Court saw to it that dad
    was not allowed to be part of his own family at the whim of mom who got
    bored or felt confused. No doubt the advocates got the $.bimbo

  2. This study will already be buried because when she has found data that
    “black single women’s kid’s” will have worse academic scores– it’s dead.

  3. Why not study how children fare having been raised by single fathers? Oh,
    that group obviously slipped your mind. Over the past ten years, many men
    have actually won primary custody in family court and there’s now a large
    enough group of children raised by single fathers to study. I doubt you
    will like the results because it will not fit into your anti-man agenda.

  4. Sounds like you stopped your study prematurely and it sound really flawed.
    After you do your studies on the inmates locked up in the prison then maybe
    call your study a real study.

  5. Do you even know how research is conducted? It’s not like she just pulled
    random numbers out of thin air. These results come from interviewing
    hundreds of families, people living in the “real world.” All she is saying
    is that women who did not go through a divorce who raised children as
    single mothers compared to married parents who raised children showed no
    significant negative effects. And she’s not the only person to reach these
    kinds of conclusions. Do some research!

  6. wait. how did we go from there not being a “clear” advantage for two of the
    races in just two categories analyzed to concluding that single parenting
    is just as effective as married parents?

  7. and therefore it is highly probable that the stress of the divorce, the
    change in family structure, as Claire Dush mentions, is one of the key
    factors influencing performance issues observed in children of single
    parents. Another area that hasn’t gotten much research: single fathers.

  8. You’re basing that off of a two minute video? Then you’re no better than
    you are claiming that she is. Why not look up the study and actually read
    what was undoubtedly a long and thorough report before making such brash
    assumptions. Psychological research that is peer reviewed undergoes
    rigorous examination before it is published and counted as “credible.” And
    even then studies are constantly retested to see if similar results have
    been obtained. That’s how science works.

  9. We don’t. The title of the video is misleading. What she’s saying is that
    this ONE particular category compared to ONE other particular category
    APPEARS to fare equally well. First of all, this is one study, and having
    done some research in this area, I can say that these are two groups that
    are not generally compared directly. It would be interesting to see other
    studies show similar results. At the same time, I don’t doubt her results,
    since the bulk of single parents have gone through divorce

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