4 Real Inventions Inspired by Science Fiction

Where science fiction becomes science fact – that is the place Hank is exploring in today’s episode of SciShow. Many inventions we use today were first imagi…
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Fiction – Milan-Mejla Hlavsa – Pavel Zajicek: Basnici ticha (Poets of the Silence)
Video Rating: 4 / 5

45 thoughts on “4 Real Inventions Inspired by Science Fiction

  1. Robert Heinlein invented stealth technology in “Between Planets,” before
    Petr Ufimtsev started working on his calculations 🙂 It’s a brief passage,
    describing how a vehicle would reflect radar based off faceted structure.

  2. The most obvious one the communications satellite wasn’t mention _ Arthur c
    Clarke. In a 1945 Wireless World article, the English science fiction
    writer Arthur C. Clarke (1917–2008) described in detail the possible use of
    communications satellites for mass communications. 

  3. and yet it was only recently that scientists realized that it was possible
    for life to exist on another planet without requiring water or oxygen. they
    had to find a microorganism that can survive that way to consider it even
    remotely possible, while science fiction has had life forms like that for
    as long as they’ve had extraterrestrial beings…

  4. How could you possibly omit Clarke’s geostationary communications
    satellite? Its called the “Clarke Orbit” for a reason!

  5. People should be inspired and supported to create Science fiction movies,
    we need more science fiction movies out there. Science fiction movies are
    like the playground of imagination for scientist and kids which ushers in
    new era’s of technology inspired by science fiction. Many technology we
    have today as the video states are a direct inspiration from Sci Fi, for
    example inspirations game from Star Trek, Star Wars and many older science
    fiction movies/shows. It’s the perfect way to get young kids who still have
    a very creative mind to become empowered and inspired to create things that
    are considered improbable. So, to all the Science fiction books,movies and
    show writers alive or dead, thank you for inspiring generations of
    scientist and engineers, because you have sure inspired me to become an
    engineer and help push for the future. :)

  6. We have less than 2 years to get Hoverboards to the market! They were all
    over the place by 2015, according to the movie! Let’s get going!

  7. The US has a laser gun that can shoot down a plane, its pretty big and is
    mounted on a navel vessel but its real. Given enough time there may end up
    being handheld versions.

  8. Ta písnička patří od nedávna mezi ty “životní”. Ty emoce, pocity.. a slzy.
    Je to droga. Znám ji z Beatu, ale sama jsem ji (resp. Mejlu) vyhledala až
    poté, co jsme ho brali ve škole. Děkuju za to, že je (takoví lidé
    neumírají!).. A taky si myslím, že je skvělé, když patří (alespoň u nás) do
    hodin češtiny. Myslím, že do látky v ČJ se jen tak někdo nedostane. A Mejla
    je fakt krásnej muž, má takové to “něco”..

  9. Jitka docela poskočila…Mejla…Faktor…Skyline… Bomba věc. Zvedla se
    mi nálada, když jsem viděl počet kladnejch komentářů…nejsme ještě úplně v
    prdeli! Honza.

  10. Mejla u nás bohužel nedoceněný,osobně jsem ho neznal,ale Jitku ano a je
    dobrá zpěvačka super ženská v životě osobním…Petr

  11. Milan Hlavsa mal krajší hlas než George Harrison, ktorý zomrel v tom istom
    roku. Jeho Básnikov ticha ( Poets of silence) si tíško v posteli v
    milostnom objatí už dlhé roky šepkáme ako Milenci ticha ((Lovers of silence
    ) milenci bez slov milenci samoty milenci slepoty milenci bolesti milenci
    ulice milenci výkrikov milenci zúfalstva milenci smútku milenci krvi
    milenci šialenstva milenci výsmechov milenci dotykov milenci túžby milenci
    bez krídiel milenci hravosti ĎAKUJEME pán Hlavsa

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