21 thoughts on “Chris Coyier: A Modern Web Designer’s Workflow

  1. Awesome talk. I learned a couple of things, and I really enjoy Chris
    Coyier’s enthusiasm. Just a tip for people who ran into problems with
    color variables: I use them like this.

    $blue: #03D;

    but later, I will do something like this

    $main-color: $blue;
    $main-color-light: lighten($blue, 10%);

    Now, it’s easy to keep your theme consistent. It will be easy to change
    your theme later, and it is easy to keep track of the colors you use. Hope
    that helps someone out there.

  2. Chris Coyier is one heck of a web designer and i’m not just saying that
    because i’m a “HUGE” Coyier fan-girl. ANYWHO …….. I thought I would
    share a talk on Chris Coyiers “A Modern Web Designer’s Workflow” with nerdy
    aspects. Enjoy!

  3. Very very helpful. Its so nice to hear other web designers say wireframes
    are not that important, and start off with a design in PS but don’t get too
    fussy and jump in to building the code… I’ve been watching all this new
    stuff coming along and thinking I don’t have time for this, working out
    which preprocessor to learn and testing for… validating for… yada yada
    yada. Just get on with it and get the best tools for the job. I’m
    downloading CodeKit right now 🙂 Thanks Chris, if we ever meet the beer’s
    on me!

  4. I’m not a web designer, yet Chris’ video about “a modern web designer’s
    workflow” is still interesting and…actually entertaining. He’s a great

  5. Webdev People … check that talk !!!
    +Chris Coyier at his BEST !!! LOVE IT !! Educational AND a little
    entertainig !!1eleven

  6. More and more is expected from today’s web designers. Visual design is just
    one small part of the job. Those designs also need interaction. They need
    to work across loads of devices of varying shapes and sizes. They need to
    be fast and easy to use. As a designer, you need to be able to communicate
    and share code across a team. You need to be familiar with lots of
    differnet technologies.

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