17 thoughts on “A tribute to special needs moms

  1. This video is a tribute to #specialneeds moms. Get a box of tissues before
    watching. (This means you, +LaToya Edwards ! 😉 ) #autism 

  2. Such a wonderful tribute. My son has epilepsy and Cerebral palsy. I just
    wish all our wonderful children could be understood the way we understand

  3. I have high functioning autism and this video reminds me of my abilities. I
    may not want to play lacrosse, but I use the vocabulary words I learn.

  4. omg rhea..thnku so much for shairng i am a mom of a SN chlid..and thou its
    not the life we chose.. it was the life thatw as choosen for me..thanx soo
    much im in tears as i can soo relate to this tribute xxx

  5. I cried when I watched this video! I’m one of those mom’s that gave up! I
    couldn’t do it alone any more and I had no help. After her father left, I
    fell into a depression and I knew she needed more care than what I could
    give to her….I miss her every day, and want her back in my life….She is
    living with her dad right now clear across the country, and my heart is
    breaking. I held my own for several years….Just now getting my peace of
    mind back….

  6. i wish there was some magical drug to improve the condition of the special
    kids for no one cares and looks after them after their parents. the biggest
    grief for the parents.

  7. @LMTKim You made probably one of the most difficult decisions that anyone
    could. Letting your daughter get the love and care she needs, even if it
    couldn’t be from you. Please know that everything counts. No one can know
    the situation you were in. I’m glad you are finding your peace of mind.

  8. I’m a special needs dad that cried while watching this tribute. On Mother’s
    Day, I will be posting this on my wife’s Facebook page.

  9. I know a place that was to “help” child with needs. On family was so hurt
    by their actions!!! They would not take the child to use the potty unless
    the child said they had to go. This very smart child knew how to get out of
    going potty-just say no. The family often picked their child up, the child
    was wet and smelled of old pee. It is difficult to trust people who say
    they want to help. Again this family was soooo hurt by the action of this

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