EP: 126 – Top 10 BEST FREE Android Apps of the week!

V i v a L a A n d r o i d ☰ · Got an Android? Make sure to Subscribe! · Enjoyed this video? Drop a Like! · Giveaway at 30000 Subscribers! 1▻12Hours 0:20 h…
Video Rating: 4 / 5

http://www.tecmundo.com.br/android/51359-melhores-apps-para-android-14-02-2014-video-.htm Fala galera, chegou a hora de conferir mais um Melhores Apps para A…
Video Rating: 4 / 5

38 thoughts on “EP: 126 – Top 10 BEST FREE Android Apps of the week!

  1. If anyone is getting a black screen its because its processing, try
    watching it through your phone, if not then just give it some time.

  2. Turn 10 minutes into 5 minutes and I’ll be happy each App gets 30 or so
    seconds Try it out and let the people decide. 

  3. Another great video! Now I’m into your videos, something is different but
    better than before your break :)

  4. Wow. Great Job!! The problem with some other app reviewers is that either
    they review apps everyone already know about or they are unpopular apps
    that suck. But you review apps that are not as popular and good quality.
    Thanks =D

  5. Can you do a video with “What is on my android phone 2014?” I
    would appreciate it. Thanks! Loving your videos.

  6. Viva is the best, doesn’t take his time he’s quick, straight to the point,
    and reviews not popular apps but cool ones, my come to for Android apps.
    Thanks dude you really help people enjoy android better. 

  7. Fala, galera, vamos curtir o vídeo de maneira legal?

    1 – Spams e comentários com ofensas, xingamentos e palavrões serão
    removidos, e seus respectivos autores podem ser banidos. Crítica
    construtiva não é o mesmo que ofensa gratuita.

    2 – Não poste “first” etc. Em vez disso, prefira um comentário bacana sobre
    o vídeo.

    3 – Não ofenda os outros usuários, faça discussões saudáveis.

    4 – Confira sempre o artigo na íntegra clicando no link que aparece logo
    abaixo do vídeo, na descrição dele.

    Bom vídeo! ;)

  8. Mas quando essa senha tiver, e só o cara desliga, e ligado com o botão de
    power, volume e selec, e dar um rebot, ai pronto o celular ta novinho e sem
    senha :)

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    musica gospel gfatuito seria 100%muito bom um abraco e fica com Deus.

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