the reason why We Travel – To Find Or To Lose?

World Travel
simply by Ben Beiske

Why all of us Travel – To Find Or To Lose?

The enigmatic query, “Why do we travel” offers intrigued thinkers and philosophers through the years and is best clarified in the famous words associated with writer Pico Iyer, when he said, “We travel at first, to lose ourselves; and we journey next, to find ourselves. ”

Do we really need to travel that much? If we find ourselves packaging our bags and buying seat tickets, is it because we have to or even is because we want to? It is estimated that six hundred million people annually get into airplanes and travel.

whenever did traveling get therefore tremendously popular? Time was whenever so few people traveled, that when they did, it made large news. Christopher Columbus, the particular Italian Spanish navigator, produced headlines when he sailed western across the Atlantic Ocean plus discovered America. Marco punta set sail determined to see faraway lands and exotic individuals; he discovered China. their travels across the whole associated with China became the greatest travelogue of all times. While these two excellent travelers of their times were hectic traveling the world and producing history, where was everybody else? Taking a gondola ride to the neighboring island was the furtherest they dared to get.

we have come a long way since then. We journey, not to discover anything brand new (though that would surely be the feather in our collective caps); but to see what other people before us have discovered plus seen. We travel to snow-clad mountains so we can skiing down the slopes and then all of us travel to sunny Mediterranean nations to bask in the sun. all of us travel so we can see first hand the many man-made and organic wonders of the world that so far we’ve only seen in journey books. We travel due to the fact we believe that reading about a place or looking at the pictures is a poor alternative to actually getting there plus feeling the pulse of the place and absorbing the culture. We travel the whole of India to test its many different cuisines and then we travel to China in order to sample a different fare. all of us leave our televisions at home and travel across the world in order to catch the live actions at the Wimbledon championships or the World Cup.

Most of all, all of us travel because the world’s become a smaller place. And with journey into Space becoming an unique possibility, albeit a very costly one, we’ll soon possess yet another reason to travel.

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