20 thoughts on “Women drivers! Very entertaining

  1. God this video is a riot. LOL! Too damn funny.But even funnier; I’m certain
    just about every male in here is going to bash me right away for being
    “proof” that not (all) women are bad drivers. I’ve got both the rides, (and
    the videos) to back me up on this note. Sorry boys. -Not about to hang up
    my keys or cancel my license anytime soon for being a lady. 🙂 

  2. @hazzaisdabombage Your message may have more meaning if it was written in
    the Queen’s English, as I don’t understand what language you are using.

  3. @Jbl4zm3s even on landing the slowest par tof flight a plane is still going
    over 160 mph it would take some gas for the veyron but during climbing its
    going over 250 and when its stopped climbing over 500 mph.

  4. HAHA stupid bitch woman drivers really shouldn’t drive, i mean come on how
    hard can it be NOT to drive in an airport?! LOL. Shes too old to drive in
    the first place anyway so she shouldnt even have a license so stuff like
    this shouldn’t happen in the first place. Was this on the news? What
    happened to her? I hope she was arrested and that they didn’t consider her
    age and just locked her up because she was so stupid to do it and its
    shocking and dangourous for other road uses!! Was anyone hurt?!!

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