Article Marketing Tutorial

Getting started with article marketing and building your online community.

What is Google's thinking about links from article marketing, widgets, etc?

What is Google’s current thinking about getting links from article marketing, widgets, footers, themes, etc.? Matt Cutts, Mountain View Have a question? Ask …

24 thoughts on “Article Marketing Tutorial

  1. Great advice and leadership Matt Cutts.Thanks for the insights as to what
    is needed for a great site.Creating natural links is time consuming but
    overall the best way.CliffatGoodlandLLC

  2. Google’s approach to links from articles, widgets, etc is about the same as
    their past thinking. When anchor text is not editorial chosen will not be
    valued as much as when someone organically links to something.

  3. Because you cannot choose the anchor text widgets links will be ignored by
    Google (also Footer, themes and so on)

  4. What is Google’s current thinking about getting links from article
    marketing, widgets, footers, themes, etc.?
    Matt Cutts, Mountain View

  5. New goodness from +Matt Cutts and the Google Webmaster Help team. Although
    the question mentions article marketing, Matt spends most of his time
    talking about footer links, specifically ones that might be installed when
    you use a wordpress theme or widget that has a link embedded into it.

    AS Matt puts it, these are the sort of links “that typically we would not
    want to count as much”. He goes on to explain that Google would penalize
    those links either through the algorithm (penguin) or a manual penalty.

    Interesting to note that he talks specifically about those links and how
    they would not pass value to the coder who embedded them, but doesn’t
    address whether the website that contains the link can be penalized as a
    result. I’m curious to know if links like these can trigger an
    “over-optimization” penalty on a website? This would seem especially unfair
    to small business owners who have no idea what an embedded footer link is
    and are just using wordpress and it’s themes and widgets because they are
    easy to install and use. 

  6. do you want to know what google thinking about links ? see here

    What is Google’s thinking about links from article marketing, widgets, etc?

    #SEO #Matt Cutts #internetmarketing 

  7. *What is Google’s current thinking about getting links from article
    marketing, widgets, footers, themes, etc.?*

  8. What is Google’s current thinking about getting links from article
    marketing, widgets, footers, themes, etc.?

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