Landscaping Ideas – Preparing Planting Areas In Landscaping

Landscaping Ideas - Preparing Planting Areas In Landscaping

How to mark and prepare planting areas for landscaping plans and ideas. How to cut sod.
Video Rating: 4 / 5

15 thoughts on “Landscaping Ideas – Preparing Planting Areas In Landscaping

  1. How long have you been in lawn care services? I am very much grateful for
    extending your great ideas just to make us learn. I found your works quite
    credible. Every homeowners could probably benefit these tricks in relation
    to beautifying their own lawn. Nice video indeed! 

  2. This video is very informative and a great learning tool for every
    homeowner to enlighten their mind on what landscaping benefits they can
    reap! Congratulations for this job well done! 

  3. Really great video with useful information. I wish I could have seen your
    trees and boulders in.

  4. nice layout… it is really helpful to make your layout in a paper or
    through a 3D representation so that it would be easier to layout it in the
    actual lot…. =)

  5. How about instead of being your typical negative you tube troller, maybe
    say, “Hey instead of using herbicide try using _________. Now you fill in
    the blank dude. That would be informative! Not just another negative
    comment like an old caveman…now that would be jurassic. If you agree hit
    like 🙂 Good luck w/ that impec.

  6. hi i am just starting my landscaping business i was wondering if you could
    tell me were you got that design on your computer so i can design my own
    land scape thanks thumbs up from the green capital of austtralia adelaide

  7. That sod cutter is a fine machine. Too bad I cant find any 4sale or 4 rent
    in my country. Is it know by any other names by chance?

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