Ethics through Media – Dilbert

Ethics as shown in the animated television show Dilbert. Ethics terminology from the book “Human Relations, Interpersonal, Job-Oriented Skills” By Andrew J. …

Part 1 of 7 in Marianne Talbot’s “A Romp Through Ethics for Complete Beginners”. In this episode we examine moral dilemmas, moral truth and moral knowledge, …

20 thoughts on “Ethics through Media – Dilbert

  1. 40:30: “They might be clever within the domain of this classroom but not
    outside this classroom” – That made me laugh, taking a little jab at the
    class, lol.

    I really appreciate this lecture being freely available here on youtube,
    its truly a great thing. 

  2. I’ve been listening to the podcasts since my middle school in China and now
    i live in England and i can finally watch the videos. Hope one day i can
    really sit in this classroom.

  3. *Learn Right From Wrong with Oxford’s Free Course A Romp Through Ethics for
    Complete Beginners*
    In this episode we examine moral dilemmas, moral truth and moral knowledge,
    freewill and determinism.
    *Video* A Romp Through Ethics for Complete Beginners (1/7)

  4. @ 2:00 It’s between honesty and compassion. You cannot be both at the same
    time. Most would choose compassion in this circumstance. The best answer
    would be to ask yourself how would you like to be treated in these
    circumstances. @ 9:50 Better to weigh the values. I would lie in order to
    save a life, for instance. All values can be compared to each other; most
    people put their mortal lives above any other value. Another high value is
    avoiding physical harm, I have noticed.

  5. ” Personally, if there is no God, then I believe that there is no morality
    and, if there is a God, then there is absolute morality.” Hits the nail
    right on the head! Good thinking.

  6. What dose it say about the ethics of an individual, in the nazi knocking on
    the door looking for jews scenario, if the individual is hiding jews and
    answers the question, “Would it matter what I said?” then steps aside
    knowing the searchers will not find the people he/she has hidden there?

  7. Saying there is no system to compare it with is an easy out. We are already
    talking about something that is unable to be compared to anything. Belief
    in God does effect ones reasoning. Though you may come to a similar
    conclusion it can be for different reasons. I guess to understand that you
    have to do more than believe in God you have to pray and do all the works
    that God requires.

  8. In case of bad haircut it is “safe” to say your opinion. Opinion is not an
    “absolute truth” it may be opposite by the next person. So whenever you say
    “this is yuk” you are insulting, but when you say “i thing it looks yuk,
    but it is just my opinion (you are free to do what you want)”

  9. lol that is none sense, assuming you’re not being sarcastic with that
    statement. it has been proven the god fantasy solves nothing. If morality
    comes from god then we can’t judge what god is because we don’t have a
    system to compare him with. i.e. if god says rape you do it. who are you to
    say what god would say. if you do have morality then god is meaningless.
    i.e. god says do x – if you do x everyone and you will end up in hell
    forever but he says you ought to do it anyway. no I won’t.

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