19 thoughts on “Pathophysiology of Diabetes Mellitus

  1. Hi Dr. Wolf, These videos are so helpful!
    I am trying to get ready for my final in Patho and can’t figure out what
    pathway is activated in the kidneys to increase urine and excrete the
    additional serum K+ during DKA? Is it the RAAS?
    Thank you!

  2. Great video! Can you please explain who is more likely to develop
    hyperglycemic hypertonic non-ketonic coma/shock? My best guess would be
    type 2. But why wouldn’t they go into ketoacidosis? What happens that
    someone develops ketoacidosis and not hyperglycemic hypertonic non-ketonic
    coma/shock? Thank you!!

    Subscribed to your channel :)

  3. Great work indeed. Thanks for sharing. Need of the hour as diabetis is
    increasing like anything now in India.

  4. I watch video about pathophysiology of Diabetes Mellitus.
    Pathophysiology of Diabetes Mellitus
    The author is talking about types of diabetes mellitus which are type 1
    when the beta cells in pancreas are completely destroyed by virus (immune
    disease) so, there is loss of insulin production and the second is type
    2 which is inulin resistance and its occur when there is dysfunction in
    cells not in beta cells of pancreas and this is occur because of high level
    triglyceride (fat) in the circulation so, the glucose is high in the blood
    so, high insulin production and then after years it burns out and diabetes

    The author is talking about one of diabetes complication which is Diabetes
    Ketoacidosis (DKA) and its occurs when the glucose increase and the
    insulin decrease and this occur if there is infection or the patient dos
    not take the insulin so, the cells use the proteins and fats to produce he
    energy instead of glucose which then produce dangerous end product and very
    harmful for the body.

    the last thing the author is talking about long term effect of
    Diabetes Millets if it is not control. the hyperglycemia cause inflammation
    which affect the heart, eyes,kidnyes and arteries.

    in my opinion, the diabetic patient should control his or her blood glucose
    by take the medication every day and do exercise in order to control the
    blood glucose. Also, he or she should make regular diet with low sugar and

  5. i’m taking patho right now for nursing school and my professor is very
    good, but you and your videos are the best !!!!

    Thank you so much for sharing your knowledge 

  6. Brilliant video! Thanks for sharing 🙂

    Was just wondering if you also happened to know the link between Type 1
    Diabetes and HLA types DR3 and DR4? 

  7. G’day, can you recommend a good text/journal with more in detailed analysis
    of the destruction of the beta cells (the exact physiological response).
    Every source i have found skims across this area. Is this because of a lack
    of knowledge of just its low level of importance.

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