I Love Nutritional Science: Dr. Joel Fuhrman at TEDxCharlottesville 2013

I Love Nutritional Science: Dr. Joel Fuhrman at TEDxCharlottesville 2013

Joel Fuhrman, M.D., is a board-certified family physician, NYew York Times best-selling author and nutritional researcher who specializes in preventing and reversing disease through nutritional and natural methods. He is an internationally recognized expert on nutrition and natural healing, and has appeared on hundreds of radio and television shows including The Dr. Oz Show, the Today Show, Good Morning America, and Live with Kelly. Fuhrman’s own hugely successful PBS television shows, 3 Steps to Incredible Health! and Fuhrman’s Immunity Solution! bring nutritional science to homes all across America.

As a former world class figure skater, Fuhrman placed second in the United States National Pairs Championships in 1973 and third in the 1976 World Professional Pairs Skating Championship in Jaca, Spain. Today, he is an active participant in multiple sports and is a health and fitness enthusiast. His dedication to sports medicine, foot and body alignment, injury prevention, and human performance and longevity speaks to these lifelong interests. Along with his nutritional expertise, Fuhrman has been involved professionally with sports medical committees, advised professional and Olympic athletes, and has lectured to athletic trainers and world-class athletes for maximizing performance and preventing injury.

In the spirit of ideas worth spreading, TEDx is a program of local, self-organized events that bring people together to share a TED-like experience. At a TEDx event, TEDTalks video and live speakers combine to spark deep discussion and connection in a small group. These local, self-organized events are branded TEDx, where x = independently organized TED event. The TED Conference provides general guidance for the TEDx program, but individual TEDx events are self-organized.* (*Subject to certain rules and regulations)

Animations: www.joanhtobias.com
Film & Staging: www.theavcompany.net
Editing: MC2 Creative
Video Rating: 4 / 5

17 thoughts on “I Love Nutritional Science: Dr. Joel Fuhrman at TEDxCharlottesville 2013

  1. I didn’t like the BOMBS thing (not vary enough, it sounded good, but is
    definitely not incomplete), nor I liked the hint of vegetarian message
    delivered. We do need meat in moderate quantities. We have evolved eating
    meats! throughout MILLIONS OF YEARS! Stop this new age mumbojumbo nonsense
    of vegetarianism and raw diets… Some nutrients are better absorbed ONLY
    if cooked mildly. I agree with the general message that nutrition is
    extremely important but he should have been more specific on what to eat
    and how much, he didn’t give much of this important info away.

  2. I am studying for Nutritional science and this video inspired me to do
    well. I am a fan of Dr. Joel Fuhrman. I like this guy!

  3. how about my colleague that eats 4 to 8 pieces of white bread everyday and
    is 192cm tall and between 65-70kg ?
    perhaps a scientist should look into people like that and make a TED
    presentation because this type of presentations are starting to get really
    old, really fast!

  4. what really fits in great with this Docs diet: Yoga ! like Super Brain Yoga
    or the 5 Tibetan Rites or other fantastic very well fitting stretch en body
    exercises! Americans are the sickest people on earth: Himalaya mountains:
    healthiest in the world>> Veggie diet and lots of exercise!!!(plus fresh
    air, spring water and NO deadline or super-stress)

  5. For the BEST information on the human body, watch:

    Dr. Joel Wallach
    Dr. Peter Glidden
    David Getoff
    Johnathan Bailor
    Vaughn Lawrence
    Dr. Robert Lustig
    Dr. William Davis
    Dr. Michael Farley
    Gary Taubes

    …and ignore this guy.

  6. What the good doctor ignores is that in the end both plant and animal
    protein are made from the same amino acids, and for the most part absorbed
    by the body as such. Yet another display of vegan idiocy … anyone can
    lower their IGF-1 through (intermittent) fasting, regardless of whether
    they become vegans. I’m all for nutrient dense foods, but that includes
    fatty fish and liver – which are even low in (animal) protein.

    Another big disappointment: He continues to trash other diet books and
    their authors for being riddled with bias and containing junk science –
    well, I was surprised to see him focus on testimonials rather than
    scientific arguments in this presentation.

  7. I like what he says… but my concern is that he’s preaching to the
    converted. The majority of people when asked about their diet say that they
    don’t have the willpower to change. It’s sad that there is this global
    apathy towards eating yourself to good health… I can’t help thinking that
    this apathy is caused by depression. I believe there is a depression
    pandemic – people are not willing to help themselves, and yet the
    information is out there… All they have to do is switch off the TV and
    ‘google’, good nutrition is not rocket science. I guess it will always be a
    constant source of frustration for me – how to get people to wake up and
    smell the proverbial coffee?.. I have no idea. But big pharma won’t ever

  8. Buy the book Eat to Live and make you decision (if you want to make one)
    after reading the book. For entertainment purposes you can read many of the
    comments below, which demonstrate how Logic can lead you to incorrect
    conclusions…with absolute confidence. It’s been proven again and again,
    follow this plan and you’ll benefit mightily, of course, after you see that
    it does indeed work, you’ll have to endure reading some of the comments and
    feeling the frustration of knowing they were made by people who have not
    actually tried it. I have, I did, it worked.

  9. Dr. Gerson and his daughter Charlotte are proof that your body fixes
    itself. With the proper nourishing diet. They have cured terminally ill

  10. Great guy that don’t go too much quack on meat like some other vegan
    doctors. The main message “eat a shitload of greens” is valid for every
    great diets and it should be the main message whether you’re eating vegan,
    mediterranean, paleo, low fat or low carb. 

  11. Great info, just eating right, America is an epidemic nation which export
    their garbage to the rest of the world, thank you there is people like you
    to awake a few of us, hope it isn’t just a lecture for the attendees but a
    wake up call. 99% of supermarket food is poison to the body? nice packaging

  12. He barely scratches the surface here, but if you follow the research he
    outlines in Eat-to-live – you’ll see why ‘nutritarian’ makes sense. The
    China Study is the other book you should read to understand the science.

    It’s transformed my health in only a couple months.

  13. Drugs are not always the Answer to all health and Medical Problems; Dr.
    Joel Fuhrman not only educates the public to think about the large Impact
    Food has on our health; but he also challenges you to think beyond Drugs
    and Adopt a Holistic Lifestyle complete with a Healthy Approach to eating &
    embracing Food as Medicine for your Body!!!!

  14. I like how apart from one mention of “G-BOMBS” he made not even a vague
    mention of what a nutritionist diet consists of. Guess we had better buy
    his book to find out. I am interested in nutrition and understand that it
    is extremely complex but I had hoped TED would deliver me some hard facts I
    can count on. Instead, I find TED talks with varying opinions on nutrition
    and none entirely convincing. =[

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