Galaxy Tab Pro 10.1 — Multitasking, redefined

Doing two things at once is greater than doing one thing at once. It’s time you redefine multitasking. To learn more about the Galaxy Tab Pro 10.1, head to h…

15 thoughts on “Galaxy Tab Pro 10.1 — Multitasking, redefined

  1. all Apple has to do is release a bigger iPhone this fall and your out of
    As for iOS vs some thing called TouchWiz on top of Android. No contest. You
    can have your 2 things on screen at once, but enjoy waiting 8 months for an
    Android update that came out 8 months ago because they haven’t gotten
    around to making it work on your device.& These aren’t commercials they are
    anti-iPhone and anti-iPad commercials. I’m sure Apple loves the fact
    competitors have to constantly bring them up in their own ads….
    Meanwhile, Apple releases the iPad “what’s your verse” series of ads, which
    I think are extremely compelling.

  2. Why does galaxy feel the need to fire shots at Apple in their ads? Apple
    doesn’t do it, but this might start them firing back, and I don’t think
    anyone wants that. This ad annoys me a LOT. Snarky fucking asshole voice.
    Bad choice Galaxy. I know you’re competitors, but for christ’s sake lay
    off. This is basically higher up bullying. 

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