Spiritual Health

This meditation nurtures spiritual health by offering a healthy bite of pure thoughts and and exercise to increase soul power and concentration. Brought to y…
Video Rating: 5 / 5

Lissa Rankin, MD is an OB/GYN physician, author, keynote speaker, consultant to health care visionaries, professional artist, and founder of the women’s heal…
Video Rating: 4 / 5

18 thoughts on “Spiritual Health

  1. I dare you to look at yourself… And make a change… I know I am… This
    is the raw truth about health… Lissa Rankin is right!
    What are you thinking + feeling + being… Comment below if you watched
    it…. I believe in listening to your body: while it whispers, you can
    start healing… And LIVING! 

  2. For us, psychologists, all those things are obvious and the research papers
    have been there for at least 30 years. I respect the speaker, but she
    didn’t say anything new enough or novel enough for a TED talk. In fact,
    Positive Psychology has been studying the things that enhance general
    health instead of just diagnosing disorders for quite some time. So the
    real value of this talk, in my opinion, is its motivational aspect.

  3. This has got to be the best speaker and topic ever presented on TED! Her
    calling at age seven to become a healer is very understandable. This is
    true medicine and those other pill pushers are quaky. Whole health with
    ourselves writing our own prescription according to our Pilot Light, listen
    very carefully to yourself.

  4. I just had to share this video with you as I share the values. Health is
    not just taking care of your physical health. Equally important, if not
    more, are your relationships, your spiritual connection, your sexual life
    and your intimacy, your connection to the inner source, your financial
    freedom. Listen to your body – what is the REAL reason that I am sick? What
    can I do about it? How can I be more transparent and authentic with myself
    and others?

    The shocking truth about your health: Lissa Rankin at TEDxFiDiWomen

  5. The problem with people in the western world in general, is that we yearn
    to live a life where we are constantly experiencing greater and greater
    levels of indulgence and wealth, living in a never-ending series of
    euphoric revelationary experiences. Which is just unrealistic expectation
    and in any case, excessive wealth such as winning the lottery can be a very
    negative event in a person’s life in general.

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