European Travel Skills: Packing Light

European Travel Skills: Packing Light

Packing light is essential for happy, hassle-free travel. Choose your luggage carefully — a carry-on sized convertible backpack/suitcase is the best bet for …

I was inspired by Rolf Pott’s “No Baggage Challenge”, and decided to travel around Europe for 3 months with just the essentials. And it worked out really wel…

22 thoughts on “European Travel Skills: Packing Light

  1. It is very important to pack light not only for easy travel but to keep
    away thieves. You not only want to protect yourself, but enjoy yourself. 

  2. Ha ha that tiny woman with the really big pink suitcase is so funny… Did
    she even realize when packing how big that suitcase is. I carry one small
    15 inch backpack that can fit under the airplane seat with enough room to
    fit a pair of jeans, 2 tops, 1 sweater, 1 lightweight rain jacket, 1 pair
    of boots, unmentionables, socks, wash cloth, small drying off towel, first
    aid kit, solar chargers, purse, snacks, toiletries, digital camera, extra
    camera batteries, and lots of memory cards and there is still room. You’re
    wearing one entire outfit so you don’t need a suitcase/carry-on full of
    clothing and you can usually find a store wherever you are going to buy
    what you need/want and a bonus to my (smart) way of packing is if you have
    to slide down the emergency shoot you reach under the seat grab your
    backpack swing it over your shoulders and slide down no bulky suitcases or
    carry on and you don’t have to be like the not so smart people on
    the Asiana flight that crash landed in San Francisco they got off the plane
    and then turned around and went right back into the plane (and it was on
    fire) to get their luggage and some even stayed to grab all their luggage
    (yes it’s true watch the video everyone who is alive is walking around with
    their luggage).

  3. the first time I watched Rick Steves was mid-90’s there in China..almost 20
    years ago..never stop loving his show..old school style made travel and
    travel show full of fun..pls don’t stop..Micheal Palin and Rick Steves are
    my all time fav travel show..If it were not for show like this, I once gave
    up my interest in traveling around Europe..

  4. the sad thing is… i love travelling just like rick: doing 5 countries in
    a month, the thing is that i love shopping and i love taking pictures of me
    in clothes in different scenearios in countries and it gets SO deppressing
    to carry all that luggage from one country to another D:

  5. Instead of buying a cell phone wouldn’t to just as easy to buy a sim card?
    How much do prepaid cell phone service cost?

  6. On my first trip to Europe we, a family of four, had about 6/7 bags to
    carry on our 30-day holiday. Needless to say that wasn’t the best idea! On
    our way from Vienna to Linz we went by train, and had to have two cars take
    us there: our cousin’s driver’s BMW and a taxi! Then, later that day in
    London (after the cars, the train, a plane, and a bus), we stupidly decided
    to take the tube to get to our hotel in lieu of a London Taxi. -_- Needless
    to say, next time, we’re packing light!

  7. rick we enjoy all of your videos, books and tips…i always wonder why when
    you taste some type of food you only put the tip of it in your mouth as if
    you’re being careful of really getting a taste for the item.

  8. Switching out SIM cards only works on phones that are purchased unlocked or
    have been unlocked by their carrier. If you are still in contract with your
    cellphone provider, switching SIMs over seas will not work.v

  9. Hi Rick, This is great and is almost exactly what I take when I travel
    myself. I can’t bear to see so many people struggling with enormous
    suitcases and too many packages. One on my back and one around my waist or
    across my body is all I’ve ever taken, even for up to 12 months. Excellent
    video thanks. Nicely put together with very clear information. ryandvy1 see
    the range of super anti-theft packs and luggage at Pacsafe.

  10. I walk around with a video camera and a platinum card in my iphone wallet,
    and only buy food and water…sometimes a bag to carry home some rare books
    :-p wryyyy.

  11. Rick your advice on packing light inspired me over the years to preach your
    word to others. I created a website that has a younger spin on your

  12. Does the rain jacket have a built in compress thing or did you just do that
    yourself? Could you explain how you did it..

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