WARNING! U.S. Hyperinflation to Collapse Economy

In today’s video, Christopher Greene of AMTV explains that U.S. hyperinflation will collapse economy. http://www.youtube.com/user/cgreene34?sub_confirmation=…
Video Rating: 4 / 5

18 thoughts on “WARNING! U.S. Hyperinflation to Collapse Economy

  1. I will say this in the nicest way possible. The fact that you people
    keep pushing hyperinflation risk after half a decade of sub-2% inflation
    is utterly disgusting. A hypothesis needs to be falsifiable or it’s

  2. If you’re so confident, put a date on it. Or at least the month when the
    market will collapse. If you really cared you would pinpoint when not if.

  3. I’m ready and waiting like a child about to get in the biggest roller
    coaster ever… Frankly! When prepared nothing else matter 

  4. I’m tired of hearing the “fear porn taco rack” bullshit in the comments.
    Everyone should be getting as excited as Chris is now that you realize
    whats happening. In my family its almost a “tradition” to watch these kinds
    of videos. we’re even working on diversifying our currency and growing our
    own food. shit is about to get real and it’s time to take alternative media
    television and other sources like these mainstream! People need to hear
    about this. Good Job Chris keep up the good work

  5. With people broke world-wide and countries desperate for export growth
    there is an excellent chance we’re entering a prolonged deflationary period
    instead. Yes, there are some asset bubbles like real estate but
    deflationary pressures are afoot throughout the retail market. I like what
    Chris says but I worry he’s reading the picture wrong.

  6. Health care is about to get ridiculous. Prevent yourself from catching
    these diseases before they even get to you! GO VEGAN fuck this poison fast
    food! take charge of your own health

  7. Chris, your excitement makes you look like you “lost it”
    What happen with all your prior “predictions”? Can you make a special
    segment of that subject. Like go back & play your predictions and show the
    actually did happen. That will boost your credibility! 

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