Will Smith shares his secrets of success

http://accelerateme.net/how-will-smith-created-his-ideal-life/ – Will Smith shares his success philosophy. For more on this, click the link above.
Video Rating: 4 / 5

Leaving a high-flying job in consulting, Angela Lee Duckworth took a job teaching math to seventh graders in a New York public school. She quickly realized t…
Video Rating: 4 / 5

43 thoughts on “Will Smith shares his secrets of success

  1. *Monday Inspiration*

    What I like most about this video is that you can watch a minute or the
    whole thing and either way get inspired and feel great.

    Very wise words that may not be original, but ones we all need to sit back
    and absorb and be reminded of from time to time.

    Whenever I need a pick-me-up or want to be inspired I come back to this
    video and it’s a great way to start off my week!

  2. “If you are not making someone else’s life better, then you’re wasting your
    time. Your life will become better by making other lives better.”


  3. Great words from will.
    Think about his name…
    Smith… maker, creator… Will… mind, thought, power. He is truly a will

  4. What if you have grit, but just in the wrong area? Yet another load of
    ‘Management Talk’ that in the real world adds up to nothing!

  5. A great +TED talk from educator and psychologist Angela Lee Duckworth:
    What’s the most important factor for success? Grit!

    #education #teaching #STEM 

  6. These ideas seem closely related to other criticism of the American
    education system. While perseverance is important, inspiring methods of
    teaching will compensate for the lack of it. I know because I don’t have a
    lot of it, but excelled in primary and secondary education. After that it’s
    been a different story though.

  7. I think patience is the key to success. Stick to something long enough and
    you’ll find success. Grits belong on my plate.

  8. My intention when I created my website and blog was to share a message,
    above all else, of believing in yourself. I try to fill it with as much
    positive stuff as possible not because I want to force some sort of
    positive-mantra lifestyle on you, but rather to support you in your quest
    for happiness and fulfillment. I wanted to have a place where anyone who
    needed a little hope or encouragement could find it. Whatever it is you
    want, whether it be to be happier, healthier, more confident, in a loving
    relationship, in a job you love, etc., I believe you can have it and so
    much more. I also believe you’ll face obstacles along the way and things
    that scare you, and this is where my intentions were created. To remind you
    to never give up.

    I recently found this video which says so much better than I ever could the
    importance of never giving up. Never give up on your dreams and desires.
    It’s okay to wander into the darkness, we all do, but come back to the
    light. You have amazing things to do and amazing places to go and even more
    amazing people to meet. I will try my best to keep filling this blog with
    messages, images and stories to keep your hope alive, and when you need
    some encouragement or a little inspiration, come on by. We all need
    encouragement and we all get afraid. What matters is that we don’t let it
    stop us.

  9. What’s the best predictor of success in a person’s life, including when it
    comes to goals in education? “Grit,” says psychologist Dr. Angela Lee

    What is grit? Find out in her TED Talk, in which Duckworth explains that
    grit is a better indicator of personal success than IQ, family income and
    other factors. Take the grit test yourself at

  10. I mean, this really has got to be the stupidest TED talk I’ve ever seen.

    “She quickly realized that IQ wasn’t the only thing separating the
    successful students from those who struggled”

    No shit, she had to become a teacher to figure this out? I get the
    impression that she probably has a high IQ and never struggled at school.
    She must have been amazed to find out when she became a teacher that IQ
    isn’t everything and many kids at school struggle regardless of their “IQ”.

    so grit is a significant factor in becoming successful… who knew. 

  11. There is nothing more true than what she is saying. I failed through school
    always got in trouble and didn’t do so well..primarily because I was just
    an idiot but also because teachers failed to get many students motivated. I
    was told to leave school sat 16 and started studying self improvement and
    the keys to success and I am now going to university predicted ‘A*A*A’ in
    Business. Don’t ever let anybody tell you that you can’t succeed. 

  12. Certainly will the believers have succeeded:
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    They who are during their prayer humbly submissive
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    And they who turn away from ill speech
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    And they who are observant of zakah
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    And they who guard their private parts
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    Except from their wives or those their right hands possess, for indeed,
    they will not be blamed –
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    But whoever seeks beyond that, then those are the transgressors –
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    And they who are to their trusts and their promises attentive
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    And they who carefully maintain their prayers –
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    Those are the inheritors
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    Who will inherit al-Firdaus. They will abide therein eternally.(Q.S.
    AL-MU’MINUN : 1-11)

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