Hitman: Kill the Death Economy! | Interview with John Perkins

Hitman: Kill the Death Economy! | Interview with John Perkins

Abby Martin speaks with John Perkins, best-selling author of ‘Confessions of an Economic Hitman’ & ‘Hoodwinked’, about the corporate takeover of world govern…
Video Rating: 4 / 5

25 thoughts on “Hitman: Kill the Death Economy! | Interview with John Perkins

  1. *John Perkins – Confessions of an Economic Hitman.* *Through the guise of
    foreign aid, the natural resources of the planet are seized, and profits
    funneled into the pockets of a few.*

    Abby Martin has a chat with John Perkins where he explains how his job was
    to get developing countries hooked on foreign aid and loans from the Word
    Bank and the IMF. Once the countries found themselves having trouble paying
    back the debt, they were required to “privatize” many of their resources
    and public utilities so that corporations could rake in the profits. John
    mentions he was involved in Ecuador and Panama before “the jackals” came in
    and assassinated their leaders, hence the title of his book, “Confessions
    of an Economic Hitman”. He failed to get the leaders “hooked” into the
    foreign aid ponsie scheme, and the chore of fixing things was passed to the
    covert teams used to doing wet work.

  2. Wow this episode of RT goes into the U.S. targeted assassination angle
    almost casually as if it’s a walk in the park lol. This is more than the
    typical anti-American bias you sometimes hear from them. But surely no
    price is worth writing a book for if you think your life will be in danger
    because of it.

  3. You are a true patriot and I love your reports. I think someone is
    monitoring and editing your site. My remarks about the pigs is lined
    through. . They may censure my remarks but they cannot censure God . Love
    to the Church . V

  4. Good efforts by dedicated peoples -BUT – The globalists and elite pigs want
    us depopulated. . They are motivated by greed , pride and murder. they will
    not help the world be a better place. They are evil personified and they
    are on God Almighty’s HIT List. . Jesus is going to depopulate the world
    very soon with the rapture and then He will depopulate them . – no sweat.
    It is coming like a freight train . Get right or be left ! Love to the
    Church . V 

  5. Perkins is great now…a man of conscience..he used to be a big
    asshole…but now hes using his ugly past for good.

  6. Abby Martin speaks with John Perkins, best-selling author of ‘Confessions
    of an Economic Hitman’ & ‘Hoodwinked’, about the corporate takeover of
    world governments and the need to eradicate the death economy.

  7. Breaking The Set – Hitman: Kill the Death Economy! | Interview with John
    Perkins: Hitman: Kill the Death Economy! | Interview with John Perkins Abby
    Martin speaks with John Perkins, best-selling author of ‘Confessions of an
    Economic Hitman’ & ‘Hoodwinked’, about the corporate takeover…

  8. Great interview Abby, and respect to John too, keep up the great work. I
    stopped watching the B.B.C. for my current affairs a long time ago, they
    just cannot compete with the higher level of honest, intelligent journalism
    that you and your fellow journalists give us on a daily basis. I also enjoy
    “Cross-talk” too. All the best from Cornwall in the U.K.

  9. Perkins knows a lot. I don’t think that we’ve seen the last of corporate
    economists and lawyers who get sick of what they’re doing and turn over a
    new leaf.

  10. Abby, will you interview Dimitri Khalezov? He’s been saying that the
    Americans demolished the World Trade Center on 9/11 by using its approved
    demolition plan (which involved 3 underground thermonuclear devices) . P a
    s t e b i n ref is 7LnuXXqv

  11. That light is a UFO with reptilian shape shifters that are coming to pick
    up Perkins to his home planet/universe now that the interview is over. Oh
    wait that light is just the graphic that always happens whenever the RT
    channel switches from one segment to the next.

  12. I do agree with a lot of what you’re saying. The slower things adjust (and
    it doesn’t have to be too slow), the higher the chance of replacement
    systems or standards, so as to avoid a shock interruption of things like
    utilities (water, power) or transportation channels, which could result
    directly in many deaths – or indirectly as people could naturally start
    panicking. Humane change is smooth change, also reasonable change.

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