19 thoughts on “Cómo funciona el Coaching

  1. Gracias por el video, muy bueno! Si quieres ganar dinero desde casa y
    ayudando a otros a hacer lo mismo y poniendo en práctica lo que dice en el
    video… pásate por mi canal

  2. Excelente explicación de cómo funciona el Coaching. Si te interesa recibir
    sesiones de Coaching personal, te invito a entrar en mi perfil.

  3. If you are in Malaysia and looking for a good coach (over skype – anytime
    when you are free), give me a skype call at abc.

  4. Coaching workers is easy they understand the meaning of paying attention
    .Paying attention to ditall is easy when workers understand their minds-eye
    the power to focus their vision to the task at hand .Seethis ground
    breaking discovery for athleties at [ mental training & improving life
    skills .]

  5. He is right. Development, relationship, direction, countability and results
    are very powerful words in coaching. For somebody, who signed in with
    your24hcoach, which is a coaching community, in order to improve my “stress
    resistence” the most important aspects are development and relationship for

  6. I find that on a business level with those working inside the organization
    represented as just bots to do another’s will, these points are great. What
    I found, which could be because I might not have view of the whole context
    of his points from just this video, is that the “relationship” as a point
    only existed in the place between the sales person and the client. How
    about if coaching meant the relationship point to actually be between the
    coach, management, mentor, motivator and the employee.

  7. Coaching is often confused with counseling. These five words bring in a
    little clarity and coaches allover will use it. in performance management
    discussions, Coaching is the key. Coaching is about, according to me is
    trying to modify behavior through creating awareness of the behavioral
    patterns of the coached.

  8. Models are great as a tool or method to help the client understand the
    process. The coach with the coachee gets the positive outcomes not the
    model, tools or process. Barry Miller

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