11 thoughts on “How To Set Up a Peer-To-Peer Network

  1. @yogesh1able thanks, man! yes, haha i know, i just dont have a mic :p ill
    start giving tutorials with audio next. im actually gonna reset my router
    next time and give a tutorial on how to set up a dd-wrt router and how to
    use it as a switch… hopefully by next month though… AT&T sucks and they
    keep dropping my SOHO and all i can use is my phone or when i have an hour
    of internet service.

  2. No need to apologize to that illiterate idiot. This was a very good video
    even without the audio.. You certainly thought me very well with this
    tutorial. Thank you.

  3. Nice. Can I use a peer-to-peer network with my laptop and my desktop PC
    using different windows operating systems? If so, where can I purchase a
    good peer-to-peer network cross over cable to do the job? Thanks!

  4. I admit I’m no computer whiz, but is this video talking about physically
    connecting two computers? I’m trying to set up a peer to peer thing between
    myself and my brother in a different state. Does this technique apply to me
    or no? Thanks to anyone for any advice.

  5. @sideshow557 ridiculous that that is EXACTLY the reason i have the text
    displayed along the side… mmkay, yes, i know, but at least it’s still
    adequate to get the point across. i’ll have video and i’m well away that
    there is no audio. and setting up a P2P network is probably the easiest
    concept, in my opinion, in networking. shouldn’t be too difficult to learn
    from watching the video two or three times. i apologize that there is no
    sound, for i do not have a mic.

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