Did You Fall Into The Biggest Trap of Goal Setting?

Did You Fall Into The Biggest Trap of Goal Setting?

Goal Setting! It’s a wonderful thing. All you have to do is set a goal and now your life is on easy street. Unfortunately, it doesn’t work that way.

But wait a minute, I thought goal setting is all the rage? All I have to do is set a goal, everything becomes clear and all my next steps instantly appear. I guess that is possible, but you must avoid the biggest trap of goal setting.

What about your big goals that haven’t happened yet? Most likely they will provide you with a very positive pay off and be good for all those around you. Is it just a cake walk when you go after your goals or are there obstacles? You have probably already encountered obstacles or you would have everything you ever wanted.

What are these obstacles? Well, there is a huge variety of them. They can be physical, mental, spiritual and they differ from person to person and from goal to goal. Knowing the specific details of the obstacles is nice, but what really matters is having the ability to consistently navigate around whatever might come up.

There are major areas where obstacles develop and the first area is not having a clear target or goal. If you have no clue as to what your target is, how can you possibly know if you hit it? How can you even start to plan a means to get there?

The second major area of break down is not having a clear plan or road map to follow. Your goal is doomed to remain in this dream state where you never take specific steps towards it.

The third major break down area is failing to track your progress. You have a great goal and a detailed plan, but you do not have a system in place to evaluate if your plan is working or if you are even following your plan. All plans require that you follow them in order to create any value and most likely they will also need course corrections. Once you start on your plan, you will discover new information that you didn’t know before and your plan will need to be updated.

Lastly, the final major area of break down is not having an outside means of accountability. Something that checks up on you to verify you are making progress towards your goal.

Now that we know the major areas where goal setting breaks down, what is the biggest trap of goal setting? Simply put, it is not having a system in place that ensures you follow through on all the critical steps of goal setting. The good news is, once you set up your system, you can use it for all your goals.

First, your system needs to consistently remind you what your target / goal is. Many goals are abandoned because they were put off so many times, that thinking about them only reminds you of all the time that has been wasted.

Second, your system needs to track your progress. This enables you to make course corrections. Not only will it ensure you arrive at your goal, it also provides motivation by revealing all the progress you are making.

Finally, your system needs an OUTSIDE means of accountability. Something that checks up on you to make sure you have a clear target, you are following your plan, tracking your progress, and making the needed course corrections.

Avoid the biggest trap of goal setting! Develop a system that will guarantee you will follow through, no matter the goal, no matter the obstacle. Your goals are waiting and success is sure to be yours.

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The Importance & Basics Of Goal Setting

The Importance & Basics Of Goal Setting

Goals are very important in everyone’s life and, as such, goal setting is equally important to helping us achieve our hopes and dreams. The most important aspect of goal setting is to make sure that the plan is a realistic one. For example, it’s impossible to make it a goal to win the lottery. Why? Because gambling is a game of chance and your actions have no real impact on whether or not that particular goal is achieved. The best type of goal setting is that which is done with a certain degree of practicality.

A plan of action is the first important step toward goal setting. For instance, an individual who wishes to attend college and needs to save money can work out a budget to earn cash while attending school part time. By enrolling part time, the tuition will be less expensive and even though the degree completion process may take longer, the ultimate goal will be reached in time. This is a good example of positive goal setting.

When working out a goal setting plan, it is important to choose one that is realistic. A poor example would be saving enough to become a millionaire within a specified amount of time and no real way of coming up with the funds needed to save. There is nothing wrong with having big dreams and trying to reach impressive goals, but it is very important that they not be unattainable. If an individual were to participate in a goal setting exercise at an unrealistic level and that plan were to fail, depression would surely result. In order to avoid this negative emotional impact, practicality is the key to positive goal setting.

Once goals are set, it is important to stay focused. This means being careful with funds if the goal is one that involves finances. An example would be saving a down payment for a home and seeing a snazzy new sports car that catches the eye. An individual who stays focused on their goal of home ownership will feel much more rewarded than those who give in to the temptation of a quick purchase, which is likely to result in buyer’s remorse.

Goal setting is an important part of everyday life. Whether it’s a homework assignment that needs completion, a work project that has to be done by the end of the day or a financial goal that needs reaching, effective planning will help even the most challenging goal become closer to being reached.

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