Hermit Crabs- Easy to Care for Pets or Mistreated Animals?

If you can send this around to your friends, it’d be a HUGE help! People have to know the truth about hermit crabs, and not enough people are doing much to h…
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13 thoughts on “Hermit Crabs- Easy to Care for Pets or Mistreated Animals?

  1. Thank you for this video, I have 2 hermit crabs and had no idea about the
    cruelty, as you said the petshop said they are easy to keep – I am
    considering putting them back in the sea which is near to us.

  2. i have a 25 gallon aquarium and 8 crabs, they have lived 10 years and are
    still alive…but thank-you for this video. many people don’t care about
    where animals SHOULD be, and its nice to know that a person would actiully
    make a video like this 🙂

  3. ii get what your saying i feel the same way about fish being keep in such
    small tanks for there life most people dont know to care for them so they
    die soon and people at pet stores know nothing about the animals and tell
    custormers false info it makes me mad

  4. While it’s true that they are wild creatures, and true that there is too
    much misinformation out there, saying they will only live a year or two at
    most in captivity (even with proper care) is bogus. I have a friend who has
    had one of hers over 6 years and I know someone else who has had the same
    crab for over 9 years and still someone else who has had the same pair for
    over 20 years!

  5. I have 5 hermit crabs and they have been alive for almost 6 years now and
    they are all extremely healthy so dont stereotype hermitcrab owners and say
    that all of them keep their crabs in a 2.5 gallon plastic container

  6. I am no longer an owner of hermit crabs. Every time I looked in the tank at
    them I felt really bad. I took my 20 hermit crabs to the beach and
    reintroduced to the wild. It took me a long time to rehabilitate them but
    soon they were fully ready to reenter the wild to their new home on a
    beautiful island with millions of shells and even a wooded area. I wanted
    them to have the best life possible because I love them and I did indeed
    give the best life possible.

  7. @AnimalAwareness365 hi i have 3 hermit crabs i got them in painted shell
    and they keep move in to painted shell and they are 7 years old and still
    alive today

  8. Actually Using ” Play Sand ” Isnt That Well For Hermit Crabs. A Better
    Product Is Eco Earth Which Is A Dirt Like Substance. Sand Can Mold And If
    To Wet The Hermit Crabs Cant Burry Down And Molt. Aswell As The Sand Sticks
    To Them , And If Its To Dry They Cant Burry Down In It. Eco Earth Stays
    Moist And Keeps The Habitat In Nice Humidity Levels Without HavingTo Spray
    The Cage. So You Might Wanna Learn A Lil More Facts About Proper Caring For

  9. This video is very wrong. Yes, some people mistreat them, but that isnt MY
    fault. Captive hermit crabs can live up to 50 yrs in a right home, and same
    in the wild. Humans have to catch them from the wild BECAUSE they dont mate
    in captivity.If we didnt help hermit crabs, then they would be near
    indandgered. We HAVE helped their kind, and this video is a wrong
    influence, trust me, ive studied this case for years. Bye!!

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