February 2014 Breaking News Fox News Bible prophecy and world current events

February 2014 Breaking News Fox News Bible prophecy and world current events – Last Days End Times News prophecy update Fox News Martha MacCallum talks to Jo…
Video Rating: 4 / 5

KGB agent explains current events in USA Original video renamed for FB.
Video Rating: 4 / 5

32 thoughts on “February 2014 Breaking News Fox News Bible prophecy and world current events

  1. All of you talking about the bible as if it is good, as if it is good.
    Please read it. The most horrific crimes are in it. Your preacher has been
    deliberately deceiving you. Your parents before you bought into it and are
    equally victims of this deception. The bible goes over and over in
    different passages and reads like a horror movie. Go and actually read it
    and you will find out. Just start with Exodus 21 and read on. Your preacher
    may have tried spinning it to sound good, but owning another human being
    has always been wrong! Jesus even says to do it and you can beat them. It’s
    all in the “good book”. Just saying

  2. Americans go round telling themselves and the rest of the world that they
    are number 1. What they don’t realise is that the rest of the world make
    fun of them. And a lot of rhis is because of this silly bible, religious
    nonsense they go on wirh. If god was so good, then education would be
    bettwr than number 27 on the world stage, and kids wouldn’t need to go
    through metal detectors just to go to school. This is outragious. Why does
    god allow this bollocks?

  3. Sorry. For all of us blind. But know. We see. Admit. It pray for all n GOD.
    Our Creator. Is incontrol. Through. His. Son JESUS. In death. Here. By
    suffering. Or dead. By evilness. In any form not. Good we have to trust. In
    the lord. For of him we rescieve. By faith eternal. Life n his word. Alive.
    Say what we say. Do what. We do it is written. N no turning back /peace. To
    all and King o kings. Have mercy’s. On US. YOUR PEOPLE. YOUR CREATION. Amen
    amen n AMEN

  4. No fear mongering here. Now is the time to turn your heart and soul back to
    Jesus. He died for you. Beware of nay sayers. The truth is that Jesus is
    the way, the truth and the life. The enemy knows his time is short. Don’t
    be deceived in these times

  5. Rebecca because the Bible is good, hence its called the good news 🙂 Jesus
    died for us and is coming back to save us 🙂 🙂 🙂 🙂 🙂 🙂 read john

  6. Why are the interviewers appearing so serious. When there is a UFO sighting
    its a big laugh. I prefer the scientific view regarding world and human
    progress. Biblical prophecy not for me through choice. Using the bible to
    PROVE it is not verification.

  7. God loves Syrians and Damascus. What an idiot, turning God into a racist.
    These ancient prophecies were fulfilled a long time ago, and have nothing
    to do with the gospel age.

    Remember Mark 9:23 With man this is impossible, but with God all things are
    possible.Don’t settle for living a lukewarm life when God said we can be
    be perfect. So Repent,pray and ask God to take rule over you in your heart
    and to give you revelation to know Him and overcoming power to live for
    Him.He will do it if you keep asking. Matthew 7:7 Ask, and you shall
    receive.Also Remember any teaching that is contrary with the bible is not
    of God do not be deceived.

  9. God is real.
    God is good.
    If you do not believe, so be it.
    Yet He promises His children everlasting life, by taking away our sins,
    that cause condemnation (all sins cause condemnation) and making us clean
    through the blood of His son, Jesus Christ, who was crucified for us.
    Because He loves us so.
    He has sent a comforter.
    The Holy Spirit, to be with us as He entered into Heaven after being dead
    for three day and being resurrected on the third.
    God, The Son, and The Holy Spirit are all one.
    And yes, nothing is impossible with God.
    I’ve been saved.
    The devil is a liar and the prince of the airways.
    He will try to deceive you and give you doubt.
    Speak out for God. Pray. Go to church. (it says in the bible to come as
    one! What do you think church is for?) Praise. The devil doesn’t like your
    praise. Read your Bible and lastly, TRUST IN THE LORD. For you cannot
    please the Lord wihtout Faith!
    I was foolish, but He has given me Wisdom.
    Hallelujah! 🙂
    Words from a 15 year old who has been saved. Not of my own knowledge but
    His! He deserves all the PRAISE and all the GLORY!
    Amen and Amen.
    May God Bless.

  10. If you need explanation about the bible you better ask for somebody to
    explain how it goes on….Just Trust in God all written are true.

  11. I know it ticks alot off to think the Bible is true lol but get over it
    folks it has been fulfilled in the past and still happening now ITS TRUTH
    and no matter how much you hide your heads under the sand it won’t work for
    you. It’s true and if it says your going to hell cause you will not repent
    of your sins and believe in JESUS CHRIST then you best believe it end of

  12. Frustrating that this is and has been common knowledge for four years, for
    the general public to access if they flipped off the video games and
    Dancing with the Czars! Stupid Useful Idiots!! Political and Philosophical
    academics have known it for decades.

  13. very good . to the few negative commenting college age know it all’s unplug
    the bananas from your soft heads and listen to what he is saying . New lies
    for old – predicting the fall of the Berlin wall as a deception more than
    30 years ago guy . perestroika by Gorbachev basically admitting it is a
    deception . now don’t you feel smart . hahahaa

  14. Those who believe communism is the answer better WAKE UP. It does NOT work.
    History shows it. That is why Russia and eastern Europe are no longer
    communist. It if did work, these nations would still be under communism.
    Those who think communism is misunderstood are quite ignorant and need to
    wake up and wake fast and learn from history the true facts of it. It does
    NOT work! It is a failing system. Those who are hiding the true facts from
    us are the ones who want it and who are the communists.

  15. Socialism is great! Instead of me building roads and hospitals and fire
    departments for people and asking money from them to keep running, I’ll
    vote for someone else to force everyone to pay for it and keep all the
    money for themselves. If Socialism was to work, politicians should not get
    payed, it should be considered a duty, a public service, not a job.

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