Why I Hate School But Love Education||Spoken Word

The Latest Spoken Word Video from Suli Breaks. PURCHASE ON ITUNES: http://goo.gl/ZhqVl SUBSCRIBE: http://goo.gl/6mf0j TWITTER: http://www.twitter.com/sulibre…

17 thoughts on “Why I Hate School But Love Education||Spoken Word

  1. oh my fucking god. he isn’t slamming on religion, or putting down his
    mother. His point is simply that school and grades and things that have
    scores shouldn’t define what you’re capable of. You can agree, or you can
    disagree, but you can’t say that you’ve never gotten a bad grade and felt
    like shit about it. Think about how you felt; that’s his point.

  2. How are you able to come up with such strong, brilliant, and profound
    words. Isn’t it hard performing your own work on YouTube in front of
    millions a people. Have you ever been criticized for speaking the truth.

  3. C’mon, if you’re honest, this video only gives frustrated students a reason
    why not to do their school work. That’s the dumbest thing you can do, fancy
    that you don’t have to do anything and that school is useless. It’s not.

  4. Suli Breaks: He’s a man of his generation. My generation. Spoken word has
    never been more powerful. Stand up for what you believe in or no one will..
    #change #question #movement #generation 

  5. Although i understand his point; isn’t he just stating the obvious? It’s
    just like that one video “I hate religion but love jesus”?

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