25 thoughts on “Dating Techniques – Science of Attraction

  1. I would go with the average nice guy (no homo).

    Would husband (no homo).

    By they way, I think the law of attraction is at work; the girl that liked
    the average nice guy is probably a nice person. The girl that liked the
    sleazy douchebag is probably a bi… 

  2. Men are not the problem, women are… now I know that makes women mad, and
    the supposed real men mad, but a true real man does not want or need to be
    the way we used to be along time ago in order to attract women, we want and
    need to be more intelligent, eco-friendly, loving, caring and solve the
    world’s problems, we don’t want to play games all day long to attract a
    woman’s attention and keep it. Women need to understand that, or they will
    continue to hurt men the way they have been for so long, and be unhappy
    themselves. And I know that women find it difficult to be attracted to a
    more evolved male species, and they are taught attraction is not a choice,
    and they may even say that they really don’t know what qualities attract
    them to a man… so what this means is they need reprogram their thinking
    so that they’re attracted to a more evolved male species, because then they
    will have real happiness, love, excitement, and at the same time they’re
    also doing what’s best for the environment. :~) <3

  3. The girl who chose c looked a little ratchet so it not surprising. The ones
    who chose a and b looked like they were like them as well. All this shows
    me is people like people who they can relate to or feel comfortable with
    (chemistry). However, theoretically any of the guys can get any of the
    girls by implementation of the dating techniques a used.

  4. I feel like it was a dumb experiment. It shouldn’t be about what the girls
    thought about it… it should have been what they acted because of it. Girls
    constantly talk about how they want something, but their actions always
    show up differently. They always project what they want as not having all
    the bad qualities girls tend to like embarrassingly enough as it is. So I
    feel like what you saw was the girls reacting to things as the way they
    want to project themselves as to liking… not so much as what they really
    actually liked. 

  5. I never use dating techniques. I use my own techniques of attraction. I
    just first watch the girl and maybe say ‘Hello, how has the day been.” Then
    my next technique is to just start making more conversations with the girl.
    We just had 12 inches of snow here, so I ask her, “Are you prepared for the
    snow.” Then slowly work into what we both like. If I approve her at this
    point, and she seems to be into me, I ask her out or for her cell number. I
    really get to know her by texting them. The more I get to know them, the
    more they fall for me.
    I open the door for the lady. I tell how good she looks tonight. And I
    always, always show up lookin and smelling my best. I always am truthful
    with the ladies, and they learn to love me for it.
    One other big secret of mine, is to always try to watch my figure. Women
    will always know whether they like your looks or not by first glance. I the
    end, I am not playing them. I am wanting to find my wife. I never take
    advantage of the beautiful young ladies in my life.
    Now that is how you do the game.

  6. The problem is that not one of them is actually himself. If you are the
    confident guy and you really are, that will look good, the same goes with
    other roles. So my point is that, whoever you are, just be your self….

  7. I actually met a “Mr. Confident” before. All he wanted to do was talk about
    his business and travel… yes, he was wealthy, but no, I did not ever call
    him back. His bragging was a turn-off, and I feel he was over-compensating.
    Without all his “accomplishments” he probably wouldn’t be very confident at
    all, and that’s not a true man (in my opinion)

  8. I’m extremely confident in meeting girls I just for some reason can’t close
    the deal BC they can’t figure out my ethnic background which is multiracial
    but it’s a problem just saying it BC I don’t look black. I guess you HAVE
    to be black to be mixed after all….LOL!

  9. I mean, i’d like to fuck girls but they don’t like me so I fuck guys
    instead because gay guys aren’t particular about who they fuck.

  10. lmao “be yourself” fawkin comedian, girls dont like average guys they want
    larger than life guys who are rich an confident an have pretty much
    everything figured out, and no guy is like that its a fairy tale women see
    in movies and read about in books and most dont grasp reality

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