THIN – Eating disorders – Part 1

THIN, directed by Lauren Greenfield and distributed by HBO, is an exploration of The Renfrew Center in Coconut Creek, Florida; a 40-bed residential facility …
Video Rating: 4 / 5

Out of Sight - A documentary about invisible eating disorders

Http:// A documentary about invisible eating disorders like bulimia and EDNOS. The amount of people suffering from an invisible eating disord…
Video Rating: 4 / 5

42 thoughts on “THIN – Eating disorders – Part 1

  1. Why does the world rear it’s ugly head !! All the perfect person will one
    day be old , slow and gray. Everything is a choice, but there are also
    legitimate issues that make people to fat, to skinny, lose their hair, lose
    their teeth etc..Last time I checked everyone was bones and blood inside.
    People are so mean! All you people making fun of too fat people or too
    skinny people, You’ll one day be on the receiving end of getting your
    feelings hurt! Make sure you return to post your apologies!

  2. she starves herself and makes herself sick. Her body might look ok but she
    had a mental problem definitely. I think its awful that the staff are all
    obese though, binge/overeating is a mental issue too but it sets such a bad
    example for the anorexic girls

  3. The American health system’s really fucked up, especially with mental
    health. These girls know that when the insurance runs out they wont get
    help any more. Especially the younger ones. If they knew they would keep
    getting help til they recovered they would be a lot more motivated. The
    home’s like prison, all the staff are obese which makes the girls distorted
    body image even worse, making them believe if they gain weight they will
    look huge too.

  4. If you had ED, you need to see a Psychiatrist pronto because ED is a
    made-up disease or Psychosomatic illness, it’s all in your head that you
    conjured up.This disease bullies women because women let it permeate their
    lives.MOST men don’t have this due to a HEALTHY view of how food operates
    in our lives, when we’re hungry we eat…done and end of story.Most of us
    never count calories even before we take a bite of whatever kind of food
    because we KNOW that’s unhealthy…..

  5. you’re quite right that eating disorders are mental illness, though oddly,
    that assertion contradicts your diatribe about “getting a life.” it seems
    you’re under the impression that eating disorders are fabricated worries
    about weight that have spiraled out of control because the sufferer has
    nothing else to occupy his or her mind. you couldn’t be more wrong. i hope
    sincerely that you will take the time to reevaluate your logic; while i
    don’t expect your compassion, i can’t abide your ignorance.

  6. Exactly. Marilyn Monroe is far from “plus size” (these days people think
    that phrase is synonymous to obesity), but she isn’t exactly slim. She was
    quite hourglass shaped though, and that’s her build. And I’m cringing if a
    30-inch waist is considered slim these days…..: And you’re so right,
    anorexia has nothing to do with boys, “the media”, or any of this other
    bull people like to throw around. It goes MUCH deeper than that.

  7. Have you tried to seek help, hun? The first step to recovery is realizing
    and accepting that you have a problem, and that’s amazing that you’ve
    already done that, so congrats! Now the next step is to get some help. I
    wish you luck!

  8. wow…bashing staff on the smoke porch is one thing…but other residents?
    lady, do you now understand that there are women in there who can be/have
    been suicidal? one comment can push someone over the edge. ive worked in
    mental health and thats just wrong. you dont talk down about other

  9. men also get eating disorders they are just less recognized and what do
    mean get a life? yes eating disorders are mentally related but dude what
    the hell ??

  10. What song was that called when she was dancing? It was beautiful, and made
    me feel more positive about my eating disorder 

  11. As a bulimic girl I sympathise with this but what I don’t understand is
    people making ‘poetry’ out of eating disorders, B&W depressing photos with
    profound phrases about depression etc, glamourising their disorder. It’s
    not glamourous, it’s messy and horrible, we shouldn’t be making it look
    glamourous to those who might be impressionable and easily sucked into
    something like an ED.

  12. I am currently trying seeking treatment after 5 years of episodic
    binging/purging and after seeing this, it really put my feelings into
    perspective. My therapist often asks me about how I feel and what I think
    about what I am doing and I seem to never have the words to describe it. I
    sought treatment because I was about to lose everything that is important
    to me: my bf of four years, my friends, my family relationships, and
    career. I truly believe that the best decision I made was to come clean
    about it. No one really understands the situation but I know that I have to
    battle this on my own. I have support but I do not expect people to really
    understand how it feels. After 7 months of therapy I have recovered
    significantly. I think its important to stay as strong as possible and face
    your fears. The last line of the documentary hit me the most: another 5
    years of living like this? No way!

  13. No one will take an eating disorder seriously unless you are severally
    underweight. And if you’re fat people will encourage the eating disorder,
    even doctors, as long as you’re loosing weight. No one else cares how much
    its hurting me, so why should I?

  14. It’s so scary.. as if i am the person in the video. For all of the people
    who never coped with eating disorders.. you should know that all of them
    have identic thoughts…. totally the same.. as what i think.. i do have a
    eating disorder too… and it’s the worst thing ever

  15. I am a Christian women, 32years old I have a husband and 3 children, I have
    struggled with eating disorders my whole life and I believe that the only
    cure is God, when we turn to him he can break us free from any addiction. I
    encourage anyone suffering from addictions to turn to God. xx

  16. Day dream non stop of wonderful things happening to me on achieving
    magnificent things. My problem has been going better not normal eating yet
    the problem is the pushing the fear it was so good when i guy entered my
    life even my HPV was ok to me then his addiction his controlling judging
    preaching and just telling me i dont love among other things lke his awful
    past destroyed me i am trying to get myself together i met a guy a very
    normal loving but i feel so much fear I denied what I feel for him cause it
    is too fast to feel that i dont want to hurt him I dont want him to tell me
    i am the best thing it happen to me but I will walk away. I cant seem to
    get out to anywhere in company of people my age. I dont want to I dont want
    to make real friends only online I live a beautiful world in my mind loose
    myself in music dont want to stop dancing because when i dance i feel
    powerful and negative thoughts are gone not even thinking about a thing but
    dancing got my tendons fucked i am so scare indeed lonely I want to live
    work enjoy life dance but not just to avoid my real life … when do these
    feelings will end? i hope soon 🙂 

  17. I don’t think it’s always invisible… I’m bulimic and I binge and purge
    all the time, but I do it well enough that I’ve gotten down to 90lbs from

  18. I’ve lived nearly all my life with BED or bulimia, the only time people
    showed concern was when I was losing weight, now that I’m gaining it again
    nobody seems to see a problem. I’ve always had low self esteem and have
    openly judged my body with disgust, I feel like they just see this as a
    norm for me. I wish they were more concerned about me binging rather than
    dieting cause that’s the main issue. I need support but I’m not going to
    bother anyone with my problems.

  19. I’m sure she wants to help, but people with eating disorders feel like they
    have a lack of control over their own life. It’s all about her mother’s
    point of view in this interview, not hers. That really concerns me.
    Sandra’s parents seem terrible indeed.

  20. She’s seems enmeshed with Anneloes, stifling her freedom of expression but
    she also cares about Anneloes and wants to help. Sandra’s parents never
    recognised her bulimia as a problem. I imagine they must be so self centred
    to ignore her pain, feelings and illness.

  21. i HATE how she said “you REALLY think there are calories in water?” & she’s
    meant to be a doctor in the ED field yet she spoke to her like she was talk
    to an idiot?! as a doctor in the ED field you would KNOW not to do that.

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