Affiliate Marketing: How Long to Make Money? Rosalind Gardner discusses how long it REALLY takes to make money online as an affiliate marketer.
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21 thoughts on “Affiliate Marketing: How Long to Make Money?

  1. Great tips Rosalind, unfortunately most newbies don’t understand the basics
    of earning money online. Youtube is great but if you really want to scale
    up, PPC is always the best way to go. My techniques actually don’t involve
    a blog (I hate to write…haha), but I have many other ways of converting
    that work great.

  2. BTW, for an autoresponder, check out mailchimp its free. I don’t know how
    well but check it before you use a paid one. of course aweber is great, but
    it is 20 bucks a month

  3. Thanks for the valued information Ros. My name is Luis and I am very
    interested in becoming a well respected affiliate marketer. I currently
    work with a program with an individual that’s very helpful yet I will check
    out your site for your shared wisedom. Hope you have a Happy New year and
    good nite.

  4. Great information, I agree totally. Its a shame that so many people listen
    to the fake gurus and fall for the same rubbish over and over. Patience and
    perseverance is what you need to succeed in affiliate marketing! 

  5. I appreciate your honesty and understand the hardwork that goes into
    becoming a successful affiliate marketer. I downloaded your book and have
    been taking the steps needed to start my first site. I would love for you
    to stop by page and give me some helpful tips and words of wisdom whenever
    you get a chance. Thank you in advance

  6. Hi Ros, Loved your video and it’s so true that it does take some time. It’s
    not an overnight profit from 3 little steps like so many state! I’ve
    working hard at my online business and it’s starting to really pick up but
    I have a question. I have quite a few readers but they don’t subscribe to
    the blog (I have an autoresponder & subscribe form at the end of every
    post). These readers comment on my site regularly so I know their on my
    blog about 3-4 times per week. How do I convert my readers?

  7. Hi Tammy – I mean that you need a REAL autoresponder service to build your
    list. Please go to my site at net profits today dot com and type in
    ‘Aweber’ to see what I’m talking about. 🙂

  8. Awesome, I can’t agree more that it does takes time to generate income via
    affiliate marketing. There might me thousand affiliate marketing methods
    and might be millions traffic generation methods. But nothing can generate
    income in as small time as 1-7 days. It really takes 2-3 months or more for
    any kind of affiliate marketing campaign to generate you some real income

  9. @Julyjeanie22 Thanks, Jeanie! You totally made my day. And of course – best
    of success in your endeavors. Cheers, Ros

  10. Hello Krista, If all you want to make is some cents, try Google Adsense.
    Otherwise please visit my NetProfitsToday . com site. 🙂 Cheers, Ros

  11. No problem, I know honesty when I see it. And I’ve tried and tested sooo
    many programs that it’s nice to see you’re doing well. It can be pretty
    tough to become successful with this, at least in the beginning 😉

  12. Hey Rosalin, Great video. Very practical and very true time frame for AM
    and making money. I’ve subed to your channel to keep in touch I’d be very
    greatful. if. after watching any of my videos on my channel, if you were to
    return the favour. All the best for now and the future. Steve…

  13. You are right, few make money, but I have a friend that makes a lot of
    money with it, last time I saw his bank account he had 120,000$. I dont
    know how much he makes exactly, but he is on his way to become a
    millionnaire. He did it over 3 years, trial and error, invested 8,000$
    before making money. Most people just try it and give up cause they expect
    instant effortless money. If you are down to work for real, then you can
    make money, but there is no magic, gotta work

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