GTA 5: The Secret Phone Numbers – Fact or Fiction

GTA 5: The Secret Phone Numbers – Fact or Fiction ☆ Help us reach 250k! In this Fact or Fiction special James unearths the mystery of …
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35 thoughts on “GTA 5: The Secret Phone Numbers – Fact or Fiction

  1. In my opinion, these are phone numbers of characters that never made it to
    the final game, or will be added on upcoming DLCs or even serves as details
    and Easter Eggs.

  2. If you go to “Brief” in the pause menu after dialing those numbers, go
    under the “Dialogue” tab and you can see pictures of these characters next
    to their spoken dialogue (much like any main character)

    Lieutenant slater looks like a white man with brown/black short hair in a
    saluting pose.

    Edger is a bald man with dark skin wearing sunglasses.

  3. idk if someone already said this in the comments, but i’m thinking they
    are numbers that where from scraped missions of the game, but also like you
    guys and everyone else is saying, yes, they could be online mechanic
    numbers, or future dlc

  4. The truth seeker guy is Ron obviously, except that he says his last name
    starts with ‘Ch’, when it really starts with a ‘J’. Also at 3:21, it sounds
    like the online mechanic.

  5. When I heard Edgar’s name, the first thing that popped into my head was the
    “Bully” game from 2006, since Rockstar made that game, but when I heard
    Edgar’s voice, I realized that’s not “that Edgar.”

  6. Right now the phone numbers are not useful, but its most likely that some
    other characters could appear in a DLC later.

  7. I love the part when they’re like “And now we offended all of our
    vegetarian demographic”.

    Honestly though, never seen a whole duck like this, most ducks around here
    in germany come in frozen and without the head.

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