Self Esteem – The offspring

A song by the offspring with lyrics attatched so you can sing along if you want.

In the spirit of ideas worth spreading, TEDx is a program of local, self-organized events that bring people together to share a TED-like experience. At a TED…

34 thoughts on “Self Esteem – The offspring

  1. It is quite a paradox to talk about the dangers of our ego’s need to
    identify with some group and paint others in black….speaking to women

  2. I’ve been struggling my whole life with GAD, which leads me to be
    pessimistic, which leads me to put myself down a lot. This video has
    inspired me. I’m going to try to use self compassion and challenging of
    irrational thoughts to try and improve these issues. I’ve started a journal
    and every time I have something troubling me, I will make myself write
    about in a positive way. We’ll see if it helps!

  3. That’s one of those things you know already but don’t know it well enough.
    Or practise it. That’s going on my exercise program: Some meditating,
    mindfulness, thinking about things I’m grateful for and some self
    That video’s made me realise just how badly I treat myself, how badly we
    probably all could use some self compassion.
    Thank you Kristin and TED for posting.

  4. I am 35, over-weight, not good looking – unable to find anyone who would
    marry me, have a PhD but cannot find a job..not even a low-paying menial
    job. Its been 1 year since I have been unemployed…its eating into me now.
    I am overwhelmed and I am just trying to stay strong and sane. Thanks for
    the video. 

  5. See, this is something that modern schooling perpetuates. We can’t get
    anything wrong, and so we inspire either narcissism OR apathy. We have a
    system that says your killing the competition or being killed. This is not
    by accident…

  6. Nice talk & a great concept; Being kind to oneself & others is an absolute
    Unlike the Western concepts of uniqueness & ‘branding’, actually “being
    average” is highly valued in many Eastern cultures, where being
    average/normal is the ultimate goal for the sake of greater personal peace
    & social harmony! I object to competition-based promotions of uniqueness; I
    refuse to compete/compare & either embrace (if the other allow for it) or
    simply distance myself! In truth when it comes to the fundamentals & what’s
    truly important, we’re ALL THE SAME. & that is truly WONDERFUL & amazing.

  7. Monday, November 11th, Dr. Karyl McBride will be interviewing Kristin Neff,
    Ph. D. author of Self-Compassion. You won’t want to miss the powerful
    discussion on healthier ways we can relate to ourselves. #chatwithdrkaryl

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