[2011 Vegetarian/Vegan Documentary/Film] Myths and Truths about Vegetarianism

“Myths and Truths about Vegetarianism – For Earth, for Animals, for Yourself” is a documentary that systematically analyzes the scientific basis of claims th…
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25 thoughts on “[2011 Vegetarian/Vegan Documentary/Film] Myths and Truths about Vegetarianism

  1. *”Myths and Truths about Vegetarianism – For Earth, for Animals, for
    Yourself” is a documentary that systematically analyzes the scientific
    basis of claims that vegetarianism is unnatural for humans and that we
    require meat. After watching this, you will find out the exact opposite.*

  2. If you are considering changing your diet for the sake of the animals give
    up eggs and dairy first. These are the cruelest. Research this if you don’t

  3. for all those vegetarians who were just like me…. ur still not doing it
    right. milk is liquid meat and just as sadistic. please do the right
    thing and become vegan

  4. Dairy is just liquid meat.
    I still felt terrible as a vegetarian but did a complete 180 on vegan
    As a vegetarian, I had hormonal issues.
    As a vegan, they are gone.
    Moderation and middle-ground with food variety is BS. Try it, no one gets
    better just because their meat-choices change to eggs and dairy.
    Eliminate milk and dairy for at least a month,then decide if you feel
    I get the argument to eliminate eating animals, but eating the eggs of
    chickens and the breast-milk of cows isnt doing that.

  5. Good film. Thank you! My vegetarian friends do seem to be happier & one
    of them, who’s 60 years old, actually has much healthier bones than all the
    others because of his easy consumption of calcium from a
    balanced vegetarian source instead of from the conventional
    meat-orienteddiet. But I’m so uncommitted. I have so many troubles &
    distractions in life already… 

  6. When I ate raw vegan I could not thrive. Eating a raw vegan diet with some
    meat works the best. I also love to have a big hot bowl of rice. I also
    love honey coated almonds. I just don’t eat bread, cheese and drink raw
    kale juice. I also eat some fruit. Just learn to throw lots of veggies
    cooked and raw and problems go away. Both sides have issues. Find a
    middle ground.

  7. Very good information about being a vegetarian. Im looking forward to a
    vegetarian diet mainly because of health reasons too. Thank you

  8. I’ve been a vegetarian for over 5 years…before that, I used to get sick
    every winter…Fortunately, I don’t get sick every year now. Moreover the
    possibility of getting sick has decreased…

  9. It’s because in cheese, their is something called casomorphins.
    Casomorphins are peptides, (protein fragments), and they are derived from
    the digestion of milk protein casein. The distinguishing characteristic of
    casomorphins is that they have an opioid effect. … In other words, very
    addictive. Kicking cheese is like kicking cigarette, it’s a battle, but
    knowing that you are doing the right thing can help.

  10. Excellent video! Thank you for producing this information. 🙂 I’ve been a
    vegan for 13 years and share many of the points you bring up pretty often
    when people ask me questions. Well done.

  11. You might also like to know that there’s an addictive quality to cow’s
    milk. It’s Casomorphin‎. It’s meant to keep the baby calf bonded to the
    nutrition in his/her mothers teats. Seriously. Do some research as to why
    cow’s milk is meant for unweaned calves… Not adult humans.

  12. @Mike Younis True but it wasn’t the only diet in the Bible afterwards…
    but for today, with the world doing things the way they do, most things are
    unreliable. So a vegan diet is the way to go!

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