Documentary on Globalisation and International Business

Documentary on Globalisation and International Business

A rather one sided take on globalisation and international business. Nevertheless the documentary has some strengths in terms of outlining some of the positi…

18 thoughts on “Documentary on Globalisation and International Business

  1. Annoying one sided piece of bull crap! It’s like watching a commercial. I
    wonder how much NIKE and pro-globalization capitalist organizations put on
    this money making scheming project. Marketing! marketing! marketing!

    It is my opinion that these two-faced little bull crappers have tried their
    luck and failed dismally in African countries such as Kenya. If the land
    belongs to the government, then it means the government has the power to
    say “NO” to abuse of power and injustices by such ruthless capital driven
    greedy demons behind the production of this propagated video.

    It is cheaper to bribe individuals and buy them off their land than it is
    to bribe a government off it’s land.

    Losers, losers, losers, who have no brains but a capital that can buy them
    through life.

    Use your brains, losers! not your money, and try again.

  2. While I’m not quite prepared to add my voice to the love letter to Nike and
    globalization that was the first half of this film, I do think that the
    presenter makes some great points in regards to FARM SUBSIDIES as well as
    other industrial subsidies which have stratified the global playing field
    and served as a major barrier to fair play around the world.

  3. Well why wouldn’t they? I mean, more people have been brought out of
    poverty the last 20 years because of globalization then any other time in
    history. Globalization puts money in circulation around the world and
    spread out the wealth so that more countries can become self sustaining.

  4. This has been tried. It’s called NAFTA. US closed factories moved em to
    Mexico where only 250,000 workers were hired under adverse conditions. 1.2
    million displaced Mexican farmers from US cord dumps. The only winner is
    big business.

  5. Hold on just a minute. In the west it is any different? Ass kissers that
    crack whips at others and sit on their lazy asses all day get all the money
    while the people busting their ass that refuse to do the above get shit.
    Don’t talk to me about third world countries that are so poor you scumbags.

  6. im for globlization but using vietnam had hong kong are a really bad
    examlpe they didnt create that wealth that wealth was basically syphened
    out of bigger countries and a country that is a relativev low producer
    would be stomped if the world globized because of our rediculas laws but
    shit would be cheaper so globization only works if your productive on a
    global economy

  7. what country does he think he’s working in, 54 american dollars a month is
    POOR in that country. Doctors make about 500 american dollars a month
    there. Notice how he snuck in there that it was a lot for a state owned
    enterprise. Back to his point, I would say that those numbers are VERY far

  8. Ha!!, dont !#$!”$ just tell me this, lets said you are a normal guy with a
    shoes buisnnes and I am nike ok, Ihave billions of dollars and the highest
    techonolgy my sells are garante, i have a big corporation and market world
    wide,, then I go to your countrie and start a plant over there obviously
    cause its the low cost… cause in the us you have to pay US$ 7,25 per
    hour, thats 1160 dollars a month so is it fair ?? and in vietnam you just
    pay 54!!!!¬¬ hmm

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