Politics of Syria: ‘This Week’ Roundtable

James Carville, Mary Matalin, Peggy Noonan, and Tavis Smiley debate President Obama’s Syria plan.

21 thoughts on “Politics of Syria: ‘This Week’ Roundtable

  1. Assad is actually the good guy in the situation. Did anyone else notice
    the 2 largest rebel groups are either directly connected & run by, or are
    funded by major terrorist organizations? No, just me? The truth is we
    started a war with Russia a while ago called “the cold war” over us having
    the same goals: a stable & profitable middle east… we constantly work to
    undo the work that Russia has put in place to stabilize the Mideast & we
    are ruining both theirs and our economies spending billions on bullshit
    wars. Leave Assad alone, he’s either going to get the terrorist to quiet
    down or annihilate them in the process of trying, either way no American
    blood will have been spilt in a war we shouldn’t get involved in.

  2. Hell has been loose in the Middle East for decades! Nothing works! Violence
    certainly doesn’t help! They must solve their own problems! DNA evidence
    that a gas attack ocurred doesn’t tell you WHO DID IT!

  3. PLEASE ANSWER THIS. I wonder why these guys didn’t bring up when the Rebels
    were caught bringing Sarin into Syria from Turkey? I wonder why they aren’t
    talking about the Rebels who have admitted to using the chemical
    weapons….or the Prince from Saudi Arabia who they said supplied the
    chemical weapons? I wonder why they haven’t mentioned the US has been
    knowingly funding and arming Al Qaeda rebels. Or mention the organ-eating,
    head-sawing extremists that are funded by US taxpayers. Anyone???

  4. That Scary republican witch christian woman is a joke. If Christians are
    dying then the world must act now but if muslims are dying then…… This
    is some real propaganda type shite,, The Middle east is laughing at you
    America what you gonna do about it?

  5. I agree, oil does seem to tempt the U.S as it has in the past. I wish there
    was a simple solution, to ensure safety for citizens of Syria while not
    getting involved.

  6. As it states in the 1925 Geneva Protocol, that the use biological and
    chemical weapons is deemed illegal throughout the international
    communities, and is in fact a WAR CRIME. Action needs to be taken. We abide
    by certain “rules”, and those who break the rules need to be punished. If
    we sit back and do nothing, as Americans our word will mean nothing. If we
    truly beleive in what we stand for as Americans. Than we need to be at the
    forefront and punish those who are responsible.

  7. Further more, by sitting back and doing nothing will show everyone on a
    world stage that these heinous crimes will go without punishment, and make
    everyother country with thoughts and admirations of hurting our American
    way of life just a little more BOLD.

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  9. There is a difference between human rights abuse or violation, conflict and
    genocide. Many countries across the world violate human rights, no doubt
    about that. The U.S does not intervene everywhere in the world especially
    not in countries where it has no ties (former colonies like Rwanda was to
    Belgium for instance). Plus, if it was solely based on oil then I highly
    doubt it would have taken them 2 years to go to war!

  10. All these assholes and beaches sitting on TV already judged Assad, that he
    poison and gassed his people. Unbelievable!!!!!!!!!! This black guy was cut
    off by white asshole anchor when he broad M.L. King to the table.
    Unbelievable. Mr. King never supports any bombing and violence. Shit
    Americans, damn you.

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