Bruce Villanch: The Original Gay And Lesbian Comedy Slam

Bruce Villanch, legendary Hollywood Icon and Oscars resident writer for the past 17 years as well as comedy satirist hosts, “Pride” the Gay & Lesbian Comedy Slam. Bruce brings together four…
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A look inside a lesbian and gay club in the late 50s or early 60s. From Jacopetti’s ‘Women of the World.’
Video Rating: 4 / 5

22 thoughts on “Bruce Villanch: The Original Gay And Lesbian Comedy Slam

  1. I’m looking for a [pretty distinctive] documentary I found on YouTube a few
    months back in which dramatizations of scenes from lesbian pulp novels were
    interspersed with Canadian women talking about what it was like to be gay
    in the ’50’s and ’60’s. I think the documentary itself was made in the late
    ’80’s or early ’90’s. Can anyone help me out?

  2. Well,this was hateful as hell but that’s to be expected from the 50s and it
    wasn’t even that subtle. Since we’re not in the 50s anymore we might want
    to aspire to not be this ignorant at least.

  3. The lesbians were not sad because they wanted to look like men,…they were
    sad because the music in the club sucked and the drinks were overpriced

  4. Angel With The Scabbed Blue Wings I THOUGHT YOU HAD COME OUT OF THE CLOSET
    Angel With The Scabbed Blue Wings 1 week ago Linked comment Fucking fags.

  5. There are people who have a real fear of homosexuals, which studies have
    shown is probably because of their own repressed homosexual feelings. The
    feelings most likely repressed by society, their parents, peers, even their
    church. They’re afraid to come out of the closet, and they’re also afraid
    or nervous to interact with other gay people. Although, you wouldn’t
    understand because you’re not a homophobe, you’re just a non-liberal,
    asshole ten year old who probably will realise he’s gay soon.

  6. There are many things i dislike and even hate but i do not venture to those
    videos spewing some hate. So i often ask myself the question why some
    people bash other people when they are happy. I am not saying you are gay
    but something caused you to come here and that to me raises a few

  7. Why does one go anywhere here. The links on the side panels look
    interesting, so one checks it out. I was just pointing out an irony and you
    have a hissy. Quit being so damn sensitive. When one becomes oversensitive,
    the person sets themselves up as a target.,

  8. There is only one real reason why you came to this video. You want to bash
    other people because they are happy and at the same time you are unhappy.
    Just come out already, believe me it is way easier then to live a lie.

  9. I don’t care if you’re against them or not, that doesn’t automatically mean
    they choose to be that way. Boo hoo! I hate LGBT people!! So, all they say
    are LIESSS!!!

  10. people dressed nice, knew how to actually “Dance” in those days.. so much
    better then todays “slob ” and “homeless look”

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