Parenting: Louis C.K. Live at the Bacon Theater (2011)

Parenting: Louis C.K. Live at the Bacon Theater (2011)

This is an excerpt of the parenting routine from Louis C.K.’s stand-up comedy performance in 2011 at the Bacon Theater. Watch the full hour here, where he co…
Video Rating: 4 / 5

Peaches is a supporter of attachment parenting, Katie thinks it’s new age nonsense! Let the This Morning debate begin…
Video Rating: 4 / 5

27 thoughts on “Parenting: Louis C.K. Live at the Bacon Theater (2011)

  1. Oh my gosh….having a brutal night with the kids….and I laugh-cried
    about monopoly…I have a 6 yo and that is exactly what went down. Just
    what I needed 🙂 

  2. Louis C.K. makes me feel sane. He is the only person who tells the truth
    about being a parent. Bless you Louis. 

  3. its funny but why does he think his kids owe him something? he chose to
    have kids, they didn’t choose him. common sense ppl. 

  4. My brother slept in my mums bed until he was 10 and my Dad was FORCED to
    sleep on the sofa downstairs for around 8 YEARS. Don’t let this go on
    for the love of the Big Bang.

  5. Peaches came across as weak and pretentious here. Less economically
    developed countries have other issues like AIDS and starvation, love.

  6. Never heard of attachment parenting, we all have parenting in stinks
    naturally, I mean us women were born to have children, so why should we all
    have to follow each other like sheep.

  7. human babies are born to early it’s a fact, it’s why they have to rely on
    mothers so much, science fact (Compared to almost any other animal on the
    planet) the reason is they can’t grow any bigger within the female safely
    for either person. So yeah it actually makes sense to be so close to your
    baby for the first 12 months or so… After that you probs should start to
    pull away though, as the baby is just starting to develop past the point of
    not being quite so defensless

  8. Attachment parents are crap parents? Another barf of wisdom from Hopkins!
    Every debate i’ve seen her in she hurls personal insults, nothing but a
    playground bully.

  9. I’m a 62-year-old man, father of three wonderful, well-adjusted and loving
    children. They were all breast-fed and we all slept in the same bed. My
    children were always cared for, listened to and loved as they required.

    Katie Hopkins is a professional and very effective “nay-sayer” about lots
    of things. She is consistent in two things: (i) she is supercilious and
    (ii) she is invariably wrong.

    Peaches may not be the brightest star in the firmament, but she has
    sufficient intelligence to understand that loving, listening to and
    nurturing your kids according to their needs is the right way to go. And AP
    is nothing more or less than this. It’s nurturing natually.

  10. I usually disagree with Hopkins but here I must agree. My parents have
    taught me an important thing : there’s a couple. Then the kids get attached
    to it to form a larger bubble. But the center will always be the
    relationship that started it and so you keep the same habits as before.
    Sleeping with your kid is nonsense to me. It’s not holding it at arms
    lenghth for gods sake. It’s just making it clear that night is for sleep. 

  11. at least im there for my children not slagging them off in the press HAHAHA

  12. omg Katie is so disrespectful!!! she did mimics while Peaches was talking
    and later she was shooting her up

  13. Wow. I actually wanted to give “Peaches” some respect, but she could not
    even respect Katie enough to give her a chance to speak without getting so
    hostile! Wow, Peaches. You just negated every point you made because now
    people are focused on how rude you were rather than any positive points you
    might have been making. You’re not a great representative of AP 🙁 Please,
    folks, there are other more calm, respectful and wonderful AP parents out
    there. I admonish you all to seek them out to get a better representation
    of the peaceful joy that can come from living an AP life (Peaches is making
    it seem that being AP is synonymous with being hostile).

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