13 thoughts on “Panorama Undercover Elderly Care Part 1 of 2

  1. I did the same thing for my mother, and the ratings were not correct. And
    when you say something they take it out on the resident.

  2. No wonder people don’t want to work in nursing homes and those that are
    good and work in it leave for other jobs.

  3. They are less than slabs of meat. Eating meat is good for you – iron,
    etc. My rotten smelly mother lives a home and I haven’t been to see her in
    a year. she’s a negative old witch.

  4. The elderly are a hindrance to society. If you can’t look after yourself
    or walk/get out of bed then you don’t deserve to live. I am never getting
    old – I despise old disabled ‘people. And don’t tell me I’m the only one.
    Get off your pedestal and state the truth – the elderly make you feel sick.
    I couldn’t eat in front of them – I would puke.

  5. Abuse like this is caused by staff being underpaid, poorly trained & not
    given enough time as well as a culture of silence (don’t grass on your
    co-workers). I’m not making excuses for those care workers they should be
    struck off & the worst of them should be jailed but the system needs to

  6. re RedNortherns comments: As someone whose worked in Nursing Homes I do not
    agree that leaving your family there is the same as putting your children
    into an orphanage. People go to Nursing Homes because they require Nursing
    care that their family cannot give. There are many people whose lives
    drastically improved after they went into Nursing Homes. Families who are
    slaving away so they can bring pay for their loved ones to have the best
    care & who devotedly visit them are not abandoning them they are trying to
    give them the best. There are people that ditch their relatives in a home &
    run off but there are also people that leave them in their own home & never
    visit.Actually leaving your children in an orphanage isn’t necessarily
    abandoning them either. I know a woman who had no family so put her
    children in an orphanage while she was hospitalized with cancer. No shame

  7. The only people who really benefit from it all are the parasite people who
    run them, ie company directors, shareholders, whom have their sticky hands
    in everything, and these so-called ‘rags to riches, fake success story
    ‘entrepreneurs’ who claim they so-called care when in fact all they care
    about is making massive profits on those vulnerable and unfortunate to be
    in the homes they run.

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