The Stock Market is NOT the Economy

Just because the stock market is up does not mean the economy is doing well. The two ARE different. Aaron explains why.
Video Rating: 4 / 5

Everything you need to know that the media is not telling you… Stefan Molyneux, host of Freedomain Radio – and winner of the 2012 Liberty Inspiration Award…
Video Rating: 4 / 5

35 thoughts on “The Stock Market is NOT the Economy

  1. Hang on, employment figures are growing and the unemployment rate is
    lowering. When the stockmarket was down, the extreme right used that to
    indicate the economy was doing bad.

  2. Hey Aaron, do any of those books you’ve written help explain this topic
    even more? Any good books you can recommend to help out on this subject,
    that are somewhat an easy read?

  3. Retail stores are closing by the thousands. Unemployment, and especially
    under-employment is very high. The housing market is flat. Confidence is

    But gun sales are not only up, they are epic. What does that tell you? Does
    anyone think there will be a happy ending to this tale?

  4. Likewise the fact that the Japanese stock market hasn’t boomed doensn’t
    mean the economy there has been stagnant. Since 1990 they have kept up with
    the rest of the developed world in GDP per capita.

  5. LOL I’m not even an economist and i know that the Stock Market is not the
    same as the economy! Aaron breaks it down for the brothers ans sisters out
    there!! READ!! As of matter of fact get his book “Bachelor Pad Economics”

  6. Hey Aaron, big fan of “the show”

    Question: Do you think that the GDP should be adjusted for things like
    environmental damage that has to be cleaned up/repaired through government
    projects? For instance, state superfund sites that must dispose of acres of
    hazardous chemical waste? Oilspills and the chaos they cause? Do you
    believe that the GDP should be adjusted to more accurately reflect certain
    economic measures?

  7. I literally just argued with a liberal on this point and I told him exactly
    what you said. I then followed it up by saying that the unemployment rate
    is up 9% according to the Bureau of Labor Statistics. After that he told me
    “I’m done. Arguing with people like you bring no reward”. Typical libtard,
    you argue with facts, they try to come back by saying the stock market
    tells the story of the economy, then you tell them THIS and they can’t
    comprehend the details and just lose it. He also blamed TED CRUZ on the 7
    trillion dollar spike in the national debt since Obama took office. Ted
    Cruz took office in 2012, how can he be responsible for Obama’s debt
    accumulation in a whole term when he wasn’t even in office yet. Liberalism
    is a severe mental disorder.

  8. Not to mention that the stock market usually moves inversely with the bond
    market. Dumping 85 billion dollars a month into the bond market to keep
    bond yields low and supposedly stimulate the economy should create
    increases in stock prices. Of course none of this money is used for capital
    investment, so it did not created any meaningful employment, or product, or
    technology, or infrastructure, or research. The only private sector
    successes within the USA was the firearms manufactures (specifically AR-15
    lower receivers) and the ammunition industry.

    The Fed is basically lowering the real public and private sector debt, real
    savings, and the burden needed to service the debt with fixed interest
    rate. If anything the Real GDP is still declining due to the inflation
    lies, so this is a depression. The USA also has declining labor
    participation rate since 2009. All of the idiot leftists should understand
    people that can invest in the USA do not have to invest in the USA. Elect a
    Maoist Marxist to be the President, and things will not improve. 

  9. The One world Govt will be laid with blood in the streets that is a
    certainty, Some Americans will not go down so easily.
    The contrived debts will make way for the One world govt ,Then
    the psychopaths will have free reign to do what ever they want
    I suspect then they will surpass even Stalin’s deeds

  10. When I took out a student loan three years ago, they didn’t even ask me if
    I had a job. They didn’t even look at my credit. My credit is terrible.
    Funny, I can’t get a loan for anything else, but the government handed me
    thousands of dollars to go to school, and they didn’t even check to see if
    the school was good or not. 

  11. I’d also like to get Stefans take on what exactly it is renters are
    supposed to do when the dollar does collapse. If you don’t own your own
    home and all of a sudden you find yourself without any income, are
    landlords suddenly going to be able to evict people en masse? Will every
    renter in the country suddenly find themselves on the streets, while homes
    across the country sit empty because there’s no money to pay the rent?

  12. Love the video and I’m starting to see we need to kill the rich and over
    throw our current government and then we need to properly pay our new
    political figures with 1/3rd of what they make now. There is only one place
    you can see person who is hired to work for someone and they make more
    money then their boss

  13. Like I said. These videos. Meaning more than this video. There are several
    and they have been calling for an end for years. Years meaning more than 1
    year. Notice the S on the end of years. Now a war in Ukraine. Oh no. Should
    I get a shovel and start digging holes in preparations. 

  14. I don’t know why people watch videos like this. they just give you a sense
    of hopelessness. maybe that is intended by the uploader? i don’t know, but
    living in this kind of mindset and thinking the world is out to get you
    will only lead to your own failure. You have your own mind used positively
    and you’ll see the benefits.Watching doom and gloom videos like this will
    get you nowhere.

  15. That bit about social programs is so dishonest its laughable 168 per day/
    per house hold, that report includes veterans benefits and social security
    then crossed reference with the amount of people in poverty if they receive
    any government assistance or not, then conveniently leave out the fact that
    American companies today funnel their profits though off shore tax havens
    hence, extremely skewing the real GDP vs. a time when they did not.

    Secondly, the $168 also includes medicare,medicaid, veterans hospitals and
    healthcare and the $137 does not include heath benefits. …just another

  16. Stefan Molyneux : Congress is not basically socialist. Name one part of the
    process of social production that is owned collectively by the people, and
    which generates no private profit. Just one. If you can name any, then
    calculate the percentage to total number of these productive institutions
    comprise of the total productive infrastructure.

    The lack of recovery corresponds precisely to the concentration of private
    wealth in very few hands – I assume as one who can read statistical data,
    you are aware of that. That makes statements like the one you made above a
    deliberate falsification, or the product of pure ignorance regarding the
    concept of socialism.

    You are at risk of becoming known as the modern-day sycophant of Nicholas
    II – saying nothing new and everything wrong. You don’t want that
    reputation – or maybe you do. Maybe you are positioning yourself to become
    a Koch Brothers lackey. In which case you are doing quite well.

    “The problem started in the 1980s” . . . corresponding exactly to the
    advent of the Reagan-Thatcherite era, which was to refactor government and
    the law to favor corpos and the wealthy. Yet you remind blind to these

    When you put up charts about the increased amount and percentage of social
    programs – you don’t equally put up increased longevity and other benefits
    that those programs have created. The decreptitude in the public sector is
    due to the tax CUTS on the wealthy, not tiny amount of wealth transferred
    by social programs. Most of the social programs money you talk about is
    actually *social security payments* – which the workers paid into. Again,
    this is an example of being extremely selective about the data you present,
    and what you deliberately omit.

    The *vast majority* of social programs spending doesn’t touch or affect the
    poor below the age of 65. You are using social security and medicare –
    programs for the aged which pay for themselves – to make an argument
    against general welfare programs. You are a deceitful liar and manipulator,
    and a hypocrite.

    Your solution, of course, is to eliminate all social programs. How does
    that help anyone? There will be no medicaid, no medicare, no assistance to
    education for those who cant afford an education.

  17. A entire city just went bankrupt recently and I am supposed to believe the
    economy is in pristine working condition huh? Bullshit. It sounds to me
    like a few million ppl are getting thrown under the fucking bus.

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