People and Politics | Resisting English — Why the German Language Needs Rescuing

Increasingly, English seem to be encroaching on the German language. The German Language Association has registered some 6000 pseudo-anglicisms and is determ…
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16 thoughts on “People and Politics | Resisting English — Why the German Language Needs Rescuing

  1. Honestly some english phrases just sound much smoother in english than they
    do in german and that’s the whole point. Ads have to be short and
    Rather than resisting English “encroachment” it is necessary to see that
    both can coexist. I don’t watch any hollywood movies in german or read any
    english books in german because it feels wrong to me. But similar to that I
    wouldn’t read Kafka or Nietzsche in english.
    English is just the more sophisticated language as it has thousands upon
    thousands of words more than german and even if you can speak English
    brilliantly, that doesn’t mean you can understand every word you’re
    confronted with in a book. I find that fascinating.

  2. I am german and I find words of english origin in the german language ok.
    german will not die. but english is the latin language nowadays. and the
    german language can adapt other words very easy. its normal. we have a lot
    of french words in our language too. thats why german is a very varied
    language. but the german language won’t die. more and more singers return
    to german lyrics in their songs and it’s not anymore so “cool” to use
    english slang today, as it was 10-15 years ago.

  3. Mutti is concerned with the loss of German culture? Did she just wake up to
    the destruction and emptiness of her Marxism/globalism or is she now just
    trying to score political points with Lumpenproletariat?

  4. Stop the encroachment! Or, Germans will end up like my people, Native
    A shrinking population of speakers who really know the meaning of
    traditional words and phrases. Protecting your language preserves your
    heritage. Don’t take your language for granted.

  5. You obviously don’t know what you are talking about. There are actually few
    scientist/philosophers who left Germany and the rest of them staid and
    wrote all their papers in german. Just ask someone who actually studies
    Philosophy. Most of them learn at least some german. And no, german is not,
    a harsh war language. That is just wrong. Even though you won’t believe it,
    since you are so close-minded, there are a lot of famous people who
    actually liked german very much.

  6. @noomexican we already have a term for that in german, its “denglish”! yeah
    and I hate it. best example is that we have jobs now instead of “arbeit”.
    “Arbeit” includes having a decent wage and being able to feed your family
    and own a home by definition in germany. the english word doesnt have that
    meaning. therefore – workforce gets cheaper.

  7. Die Szene in der gesagt wird das deutsch abgeschafft werden sollte, musst
    du mir zeigen, die habe ich wohl glatt übersehen. Und deine Definition von
    Altag scheint auch ganz interressant zu sein. Was ist nicht Altag als die
    Wirthschaft, ohne jene Altag nicht möglich ist? Wirthschaft ist überall und
    somit auch English. Wenn ich einkaufen gehe, sehe ich dort Artikel, wie
    kommen sie dahin oder warum? mmh. Ich weiß ja nicht wo du lebst Jungchen,
    werd aber erst mal Volljährig und dann reden wir weiter

  8. Thanks to the internet ‘anglicisms’ have infiltrated just about any
    language. I find it outright silly to see and/or hear t


  10. Im sure most of the world have heard of “Das Auto”, There’s nothing wrong
    with using German even outside of Germany in business. That is not the most
    popular German in North America though, the most popular German phrase
    unfortunately is Heil Hitler

  11. Hahahaha…1/3 der Menschen in Deutschland hatten ja auch keinen
    Englischunterricht wenn nicht noch mehr…Schlaumeier…außerdem gibt es
    Studien laut denen sich knapp 56 Prozent der deutschen Bundesbürger
    durchaus auf Englisch unterhalten können…es vollständig zu beherrschen
    ist Erstens nicht Notwendig und Zweitens nicht normal…dafür leben wir in
    DEUTSCHland…der Englischunterricht ist nur eine Grundlage…und diese
    Funktion erfüllt er…will man mehr muss man eben selbst nachhelfen…(:

  12. Dein Kommentar ist einfach nur unnötig und meine Meinung braucht dich doch
    eigentlich nicht zu kümmern, oder? Ob nun English cool ist oder nicht, sei
    einmal dahin gestellt. Jedenfals ist English in unseren Altag von Nöten, da
    Deutschland nicht nur irgendein Land ist, sondern eine Wirthschaftsmacht.
    Die Tatsache das wir so viel English beherschen ist in diesem Fall
    lediglich ein entgegenkommen für andere Länder. Und auch Wichtig.

  13. Why are so concern about having 100% of the German population learn
    English? It a hell of a lot better than 90% of the US population unable to
    learn anything past the age of 7 other Spanish and maybe French. I could
    answer you in German, but my knowledge of it is still terrible.

  14. I agree that businesses should be left alone by Government, however I do
    get rather irritated when I’m in Germany and I find a lot of English, and
    especially when there do exist the German Equivalents. I think instead of
    everybody learning English, they should spread it out into certain Areas
    within each Province, and have French, Icelandic, Russian, Spanisch,
    Swedisch ect as well.

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