Learning Languages on Your Own

Konstantin Andreev gives an introduction to the secrets of learning language on your own. Information about language courses and programmes on Dalarna Univer…

Luca explains his language learning philosophy Luca explains why LEARNING a language instead of studying it makes a big difference Article on Luca’s blog: ht…
Video Rating: 4 / 5

37 thoughts on “Learning Languages on Your Own

  1. Thank you. Your information is extremely helpful to me as I am learning a
    language at this time. You have laid it out plainly and easily. I agree
    with Joseph, that last tip is a big one. I just want to learn languages.
    I enjoy learning and being able to speak to people in their own language,
    I hope this will be enough motivation. 

  2. Im learning portuguese and hindi by myself and its going great. All depends
    on how well the person learns aswell.!:D 

  3. When I was in school, a number of people I know took French. However, there
    was no expectation from anyone in class they will be able to communicate
    outside the classroom. Out of a class of 30, only 2 were comfortable enough
    to speak the language.
    The only way to improve fluency in a language is not to rely on phrase
    books but to spend a lot of time watching videos, listening to broadcasts
    on TV or the radio. Every word or phrase you come across you write it down
    and look it up.
    An adult sounding like a native is difficult but not impossible. A Canadian
    from Ottawa Mark Rowswell became a Chinese actor in Beijing and goes by the
    name Dashan. He learned Chinese while in university.

  4. I think that last tip is a big one. My motivation for learning languages
    has varied from travel, reading original literature,
    scientific/mathematical research, cultural interest, linguistic interest,
    etc., but there has always been a very profound reason (or multiple
    reasons) for learning any given language, which has helped me a lot in the
    past and persists to today.

  5. Try to have fun with it like have colorful pens or something and that’s
    when it becomes more fun , also sticky notes and flash cards can help i
    noticed. But don’t stress of course you’re not going to learn everything so

  6. I’m learning Potuguese. My motivation? I met and became engaged to a
    Brazilian woman. She speaks 4 languages fluently (Portuguese, English,
    Spanish, Japanese)…but she simply cannot teach. Whenever i ask “how do I
    say….?”come se fala…?”], she always speaks too quickly….even when i
    ask her to slow down. Then she “defaults” to english! So, i’m using Rosetta
    Stone. But, the tips on this video were very good, very helpful.

  7. hahaha, i’m just too tired of people’s perception in learning japanese for
    manga is somehow ‘wrong’ or i’m american for loving manga. manga is

  8. Hi, Portuguese is my first language and I can say that even in Brazil, e.g:
    a person from south (Rio Grande do Sul) don’t understand clearly what
    someone from northeast (Ceara) are saying and vice versa. So don’t worry my
    friend, Portuguese is confusing even for Brazilians!

  9. Excellent video!! I was just having a conversation with a girl from my
    Spanish 1B class the other day about this. She’s very frustrated because
    she took Spanish 1A a few years ago and got an A, but now feels like she
    can’t remember anything. She’s a good student, so she doesn’t like
    struggling in a subject. I told her language was more like exercise than a
    school subject. If you worked out really hard in the gun three years ago,
    it’s not going to have any effect on you today. You have to keep

  10. EXCELLENT video !!!! There is a distinction between STUDY and LEARNING. U
    just gave me the key to succes..

  11. This kind of “eureka” moment occured to me envolving inglish. One day I was
    watching a video with a friend and when the video ended i stopped and talk
    to myself “did i understand it 90% or most of the video or it was fantasy?”
    And then i said to my friend to replay the video and then i realized “omg,
    i have listening fluency”.
    But as you can see, I don’t have this fluency in writing YET.

  12. I wish I found this video much sooner to improve my French. I may not be a
    language learning expert, but I am constantly improving my French on my
    own. Thanks to you and all the other polyglots on YouTube, all of you
    helped me enjoy language learning. Merci beaucoup ! Bonne chance !

  13. 你好 我是中国人 英文很差 所以基本上不知道你说什么 我听过你跟steve的普通话对话觉得你很厉害 我想问问你
    你能不能用汉语来具体、详细说说你是怎样从0开始到现在可以‘说的不错’的 最好能说的具体点、每一个步骤都说清楚 另外我有些问题想问你

  14. You have been a great inspiration. I found you months ago but I didn’t have
    the money to purchase the Assimil books. I’m going to learn Italian as the
    3rd Language (I already speak English/Spanish, both fluent but could brush
    up on the Spanish). I may have to take your advice on having conversations
    with myself. Although native Italians do live next door to me, I’d be too
    shy to ask them to converse with me! lol I just wanted to thank you again!

  15. @FluentCzech Ciao Antony 😉 Yes, excellent analogy! I also wanted to talk
    about guitar playing and language learnig in this video but I saved it for
    my book 🙂 Thanks for swinging by! 🙂 L

  16. Luca! I want to say you! your russian fucking good!!! really! i’m russian
    and i know what i saying 😀 sorry for my english =)

  17. I think you are on the right track with terminology; however, I would
    recommend the term ‘acquiring’ a language instead of ‘learning’ a language.
    Within the field of second language acquisition (SLA), this is a huge
    distinction. What you call language ‘learning’, SLA terms language
    ‘acquisition’. What you call language study, SLA calls language ‘learning’
    or ‘study’.

  18. you are very good! you swedish is great! i love languages as well, i speak
    spanish italian swedish russian english and im working on my german, french
    and bulgarian… i just found out about all this polyglot community and
    thats a great inspiration! I want to learn more now and turn up the gear.
    Grazie !

  19. Luca, j’adore vos vidéos. Je pense que vous êtes très beau et j’utilise
    votre analogie quand j’explique aux gens pourquoi je refuse d’obtenir un
    diplôme dans une langue. La plupart des gens que je prends des cours
    françaises avec sont terribles. La façon dont nous sommes
    “enseignés”(guillemet) les langues n’est pas très pratique. Ma prof
    française n’a pas utilisé un livre de texte dans notre classe. Je trouve
    q’il est plus pratique d’être capable de parler une langue que de l’écrire.

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