Mark Cuban: Only Morons Start a Business on a Loan

Mark Cuban: Only Morons Start a Business on a Loan

June 14 (Bloomberg) — Entrepreneur Mark Cuban discusses the U.S. Economy and starting a business with Trish Regan at the Clinton Global Initiative in Chicag…
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18 thoughts on “Mark Cuban: Only Morons Start a Business on a Loan

  1. Mark Cuban is a smart guy… but I have to totally disagree with his
    statement “YouTUbe is not about conversation”. It is the 3rd largest
    social media network in the world, and I see 590 people having a
    conversation about this video as I type this comment. By 2015, over 90
    percent of all Internet traffic is expected to be video. I think that it is
    safe to say that the internet was made, and will continue to be made for

  2. TV will be dead very soon. The ISPs know this which is why they are doing
    everything in their power to try and destroy net neutrality and stop google
    from rolling out high speed internet. There is limitless content even now.
    There is not enough time in the world to sift through all the content and
    every year the amount of content on the internet doubles. Cuban is living
    in the past. 

  3. Trust me, you cannot start your business idea without money, I’ve been
    trying for 32 years and it doesn’t work.

  4. WTF does Mark Cuban know about small biz ? ? ?
    …he made his money selling computer software, then got lucky selling his
    idea and website to Yahoo (which ultimately crashed) indicating that Mark
    just pulled one over on Yahoo. That sale made him a
    Mega-Millionare…..then parlayed his money into other investments.
    Let me see Mark Cuban start a small biz WITH NO CAPITAL and make money at
    it. Give me a freeggin break. I like Mark…but he went out of bounds here.
    He obviously knows little to nothing about starting a BIZ from scratch.
    I’ve started several and sold um too. But, unlike Mark, i stumbles accross
    the latest and greatest idea (not yet).

  5. I know a 5-10K loan right now would help me get moving on my venture.
    Unfortunately I don’t have friends or family that have that have that kind
    of money to spare. While I kind of get his point, there are a lot of
    successful businesses that were started with friends and family rounds OR
    maxing out credit cards. Very risky, but sometimes you gotta do what you
    gotta do.

  6. Mindless on Youtube? No Conversation? This is ignorant. We use Youtube for
    conversation because who wants to watch TV and the live events – The events
    that matter will be posted to Youtube with high amounts of comments, looks
    so we can collectively decide what news is important. Otherwise you are at
    the mercy of TV Programmers to decide – Thus CNN’s constant Breaking News
    or Fox News fake News and lies. You tube is the filter between the BS

  7. he says there’s no excuses for not starting a business and then says its
    stupid to take out a loan? So what’re we supposed to do, save 20,000
    dollars yeah that should only take at least 5 years for something that
    could fail in a month…seems like the wealthy have a indomitable advantage

  8. Hmm Only morons start a business on a loan…… I know of many successful
    people who started a business this way, I guess I should break the news
    that their idiots although they will probably laugh at me because they make
    3 times what I make a year

  9. Mark Cuban got lucky during the tech bubble. We should not listen to his
    advice because neither intelligence nor experience led to his fortune. It
    was luck, nothing more nothing less.

  10. God I hate him so much. This is a guy who has managed to become a
    billionaire by contributing precisely nothing to society. And we have Yahoo
    and their infinite stupidity to thank for him.

  11. Youtube is not about conversation?
    I think he never looked into youtube himself!
    Thats what happens if you pay know-nothing advisers to get information.

  12. So I guess that, based on Cuban’s logic, going to college on a loan would
    make you a moron as well. I agree that having tons of debt to have to pay
    back kills you, and raising money through crowdfunding pays off better.

    Check out how much money these people made without having to worry about
    paying anything back:

    Crowdfunding > traditional loans anyday. Cuban is smart; follow his words
    of bizdom.

  13. Why don’t you donate some of that money so the non Jew kids can learn about
    business? Sponsor and promote a program in the schools to get them going
    young. Then all this will talk make a lot more sense. As of now it just
    sounds like the crazy ramblings of another nutty billionaire.

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