21 thoughts on “a Dove film – Girl’s self-esteem

  1. Is there anyway to talk to them they seem really awesome to talk to and I
    know where they’re coming from

  2. I LOVE how Dove is attempting to promote REAL beauty, but it shouldn’t be
    sexist, a lot of times females (specifically, for relevance to this video)
    feel abused with body type or general beauty. Men have the same issue, they
    feel the same inadequacies we do. They are too thin or too buff, or they
    don’t have the face that just suits you. I think what Dove is trying to
    promote is real people, and I really feel they should throw more “real”
    people into this campaign. Men and women.

  3. to all my young ladies who are watching this. From a 32 year old of the
    other sex that is no stranger to self esteem issues about body image
    either, the answer lies in balance. until you leave high school, mostly the
    world is artificial and it’s unavoidable that judgement upon you in it is
    exacerbated and undeservadly harsh. If it feels bad, just try to improve
    urself in ways ur proud of and know it’s cruel until u leave HS. meanwhile
    have fun, mean girls suffer worse in the end.

  4. We have to love every part of ourselves. Even the things that we need to
    improve. This is one of the greatest secrets to self-esteem.

  5. It doesn’t matter who you are or what you look like, we are all born equal.
    Please watch our anti-bullying PSA video and support an end to hating who
    you are but instead embracing and loving yourself. Please watch our video
    and subscribe to our channel. 🙂

  6. its true, all these “popular” girls in my class dress up like sluts and put
    on tons of makeup and they have horrible personalities, but the guys always
    go for them…

  7. I would approve of the video if I didn’t know that Dove is owned by
    Unilever, same company as Axe. The girl likely doesn’t even know, or
    they’re well paid.

  8. what is with the cooment in the top right hand corner….is this part of
    the video or has someone hacked in

  9. I got a haircut and now EVERYONE is teasing me. I cAme home and cried for
    HOURS. I loved it til I went to school. F*ck I can’t reallly change it

  10. I’m in that point in my life where i don’t care about what people think of
    me, they can accept me for who I am or just fuck themselves.

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