Alternative Energy

A new wave of technologies is on the verge of producing energy that’s clean, renewable, and most importantly, affordable.

Visit – – Many experts and researchers predict that fossil fuels will no longer be available 40 years from now. So it’s import…

16 thoughts on “Alternative Energy

  1. @jpd1235 i respect that your an atheist, but how are you gonna feel on the
    hour of your death? Are you gonna look up and wonder if god was actually
    there the whole time judging every action you ever made? Will you beg a
    higher power to take your soul despite all the sin that you had committed
    in your life in your final minutes? i know there are people who try to
    stump religion, but i find meaning to believe in something rather than be
    ignorant and suffer possible damnation.

  2. Yes, magnetivity supplies energy through contrasts. Ionic bonds create
    contrast energy, and so does music. I enjoy dramatic music that expresses
    contrast energy. Music is energizing!

  3. Open letter to the leaders of the free world: Was oil worth it? We have an
    oil well gushing, that could quite possibly end up coating coasts 1000’s of
    miles away. Technology exists that would eliminate the need for oil. Oil
    has been the reason we’ve gone to war and now oil is the reason why we had
    to sacrifice a world gem, the sea food rich area of the gulf. In our ever
    unending hunger for energy, we’ve lost something that will never live
    again. A fragile ecosystem, the envy of the world.

  4. Cellulolistic based ethanol and corn based ethanol are not sources of
    renewable energy. These plants get their energy from the sun: the incident
    radiation and also from the fertilizers they are fed (petroleum
    byproducts): the sun is a source of renewable energy, not the plant with
    all of its primary, secondary, and tertiary dependencies. Secondly,
    considering these plants as a sustainable source of energy is dubious at
    best. Their usefulness will be highly region dependent.

  5. HARBON ENERGY Hydrogen loves to fly. It’s light as Heaven and radiant
    beyond belief. Carbon is Earth’s grand art medium. It’s a well-grounded
    expression of creation. They belong together. They’re a match made in
    Heaven. They can mate in the figure 8s of infinite energy. In their union
    is born Harbon — a temporary element of fusion that retains the properties
    of both parents, yet radiates powerful energy, which can be tapped in home
    generators. We can let those sleeping dinosaurs rest in peace.

  6. Oh geez, this was a reply to PetersMagicalMachine. Sorry ’bout that. Also,
    those who supposedly say they have accepted God but instead breed hatred
    and judge others as if they are mini-Gods are worse than sinners, for they
    do the completely opposite of the most important commandment: “Love God
    with all your heart and soul and love your neighbor as yourself.” Your
    neighbors are not a select few, they are every single person who lives in
    this earth with you.

  7. @Thinkify1 I am but one voice in a chorus of millions, We want off oil,
    period. We don’t want a twenty year transition time, the changes need to
    happen now. Over the past hundred years we’ve butchered the land of its
    resources, polluted everything. We now have plastic beaches and nuclear
    cities. Please just fix this leak and cement all the wells. If having oil
    means poisoning the earth and everything I love, I want no part of it. Our
    species will make itself extinct, if we don’t change.

  8. Clearly you do not understand the definition of “faith” at all. And way
    back in the day, one would say the same thing about micro organisms. “What
    a foolish idea, tiny little monsters invisible to the human eye! They do
    not exist!”

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