Top 10 U.S. Beauty Pageant Fails

Sometimes, beauty and brains ARE mutually exclusive. Join as we count down our picks for the top 10 American beauty pageant fails. I…
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14 thoughts on “Top 10 U.S. Beauty Pageant Fails

  1. I never understood why beauty pageant contestants are required to respond
    to a series of opinionated and controversial questions? I thought that
    these contests were supposed to be determined on their “beauty” and not
    their beliefs. Some contestants probably blew their chances of winning
    these contests because the judges thought that the contestants were too
    racist, or too stupid, or religious, or even too intelligent. Questions
    should have NOTHING to do with beauty contests!

  2. I think people have a right to their opinion but if she’s going to say she
    doesn’t believe in same sex marriage due to the morals and values
    implemented on her while she was brought up….she probably shouldn’t make
    a sex tape. Or at least burn it up before anyone sees it….these women are
    special :)

  3. If i was in a beauty pageant i would win in the interview but fail the
    looks… im guessing its the opposite with these ppl. got the looks, not
    the brains.

  4. All these questions followed by rehearsed multi purpose answers to play to
    the gallery are a load of bullshit anyway and boring as fuck. Nobody cares
    and besides its called a BEAUTY pageant so lets keep it exactly that, the
    women involved are just as shallow as the men like me who ONLY watch for
    the fine ass on display. If I wanted to watch clever women I’d watch a quiz
    show instead am I right?

  5. Those models need to go Fuck themselves. Science and history needs to be
    taught thoroughly, so that my generation of kids do not end up making
    lugubrious decisions; I, myself, am more intelligent than 5/6 of my grade;
    and if God loves everyone, WHY THE HELL WOULD HE OPPOSE SAME SEX
    MARRIAGE??!!! I am sorry, but if love was a sin, we would ALL be screwed.
    =.= Sorry…

  6. The reason you have Beauty Pageant Fails is because we have a collection of
    women throughout the years who have been told that in order to succeed they
    must be beautiful, amenable, desirable, accessible, but not too accessible
    and not to desirable because they wouldn’t want to give off the wrong
    impression. you have competing messages and unattainable standards that
    these women are expected to live up to. 

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