China.s new NUCLEAR MISSILE is a SERIOUS THREAT to United States

China’s military recently disclosed a new photo of its longest-range mobile intercontinental ballistic missile (ICBM), a key element of Beijing’s large-scale…
Video Rating: 4 / 5

Americans Who Don't Know the Capital of the United States!!!

Do California beach goers know what the Capital of America is? If so, do they know what the DC stands for in Washington DC? Mark Dice asks random beach goers…
Video Rating: 4 / 5

49 thoughts on “China.s new NUCLEAR MISSILE is a SERIOUS THREAT to United States

  1. The USA last week published a statement that they were shipping nukes to
    japan to defend their bases in the Pacific and asia, this breaks all the
    rules and will lead to another cold war. China have money and will
    eventually do the same and ship nukes to south America or cuba along with
    Russia. When you back a animal into a corner its only a matter of time
    before it fights for survival, when thats happens it all over for us all
    included the US. 

  2. Thank you “Chinese internet user”, you had just informed us this vital
    You are truly the hero of the New Tang Dynasty

  3. China only develop its military power like what other countries do , have
    not willing to threat anyone.It’s noting big deal . But fucking US always
    keep looking for any approach as more as possible to enlarge the threaten
    of China. It’s fine for US to spending 600billion dollars on military
    expenditure. But China only develop a missile ,and that become a threaten.
    Fucking US with their ridiculous ideology.

  4. Waging war to attain peace is kinda like fucking to attain virginity. Its
    an exercise in futility and lesson in redundant initiatives. God damn the
    war pigs whatever flag they worship. They bring nothing good to this world.

  5. With this threat being constantly present by the Western powers, US, Japan
    and others, the Other Side, China, Russia and others which belong to the
    block of countries to keep it’s independence, must be always well prepared
    to may defend the possible attack, or to prevent it on its lone start. 

  6. That so sad that they hate us and there self that much! I hope i go fast
    with out suffering ! Sure would hate to live underground to a slow death

  7. The people he interviewed in order: woman, woman, black guy, woman,
    gay-wad, woman, douche, woman. None of these people think better than your
    average white, heterosexual male. Observe. 

  8. Mark dice i use to like watching these videos but whats the point .they’re
    disrespectful and he’s a christian just criticizing the stupidity of people
    ? The US needs to be guided and needs help . The bill of rights need to be
    enforced , people need to learn America’s great history know simple
    information about our country .Instead of laughing at them and letting them
    leave with shit that you just told them , give them the answer fucking
    educate this morons . when the girl said WASHINGTON OBAMA “. i lost hope
    for this fucking country . its sad im a pothead and i knew this answer

  9. Lol, the DC stands for Obama. Washington Obama? Yep, that’s the capital of
    the US. These people are disgraces to America. The DC stands for District
    of Columbia.

  10. Okay, now we’ll have a bunch of comments about Californians being so
    stupid, and it looks like they are. It just goes to prove the stellar job
    of California public schools

  11. This has got to be fake no one is this stupid. and if it is real no wonder
    the world laughs at Americans. The stuff they come out with. 

  12. to possess such little knowledge and regard of your own country is
    pathetic, truly… imagine a conversation with any of these people
    involving ‘anything’ other then US entertainment, sports, celebrities…
    don’t Americans have any actual real, deep, soulful pride in taking the
    time to learn what their own country is all about? bizarre.

  13. *OMFGBBQ*

    Amazingly, the average American is more likely to know what the above means
    than what the “D.C.” in Washington D.C. stands for. A kid who uses a DVR
    all the time doesn’t know what it means. One woman doesn’t know what TV
    stands for, and another who works in a bank doesn’t know what ATM means.

    Acronym overkill, American stupidity, or both?

  14. Now all we have to do is ask WHY do we have a district that is specially
    set aside and dedicated to the illuminati Goddess Columbia? Columbia
    pictures, Columbia University, Columbia Records, Columbia House,
    Columbia space shuttle…. Now go do your homework, fellow Americans.

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