Secret To Success- By Jack Canfield (Live the life you want!)

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21 thoughts on “Secret To Success- By Jack Canfield (Live the life you want!)

  1. “Develop success from failures. Discouragement and failure are two of the
    surest stepping stones to success.” – Dale Carnegie

  2. But he comes out with the exact same lines and stories as Brian Tracy! They
    all copy each other! Who, then, is the originator?…

  3. This guy is a great seller, i can tell by the way he sells his book to
    these people and you. They way he speak, i guess his book helped a lot of
    people but i would rather buy a book about the way he speaks and lead
    people ^^

  4. Einstein said ” If you want your kids to be smart read them fairy tales..if
    you want them to be even smarter read them more fairy tales..” Im going to
    teach my daughter half of life is not only what I do but the imagination to
    do it……

  5. if you do not have any real skills then why would you not have self doubt,
    i am not intelligent or creative, I barely graduated high school, I am
    introverted and awkward, too honest to be a good salesperson, how should I
    use this magic to change my life and be successful, successful people have
    skills they go to school and get degrees, I am not smart enough to go to
    college trust me I am not, how should I become successful? I want to be
    happy and have a good job and a family but you cannot do those things
    working at mcdonalds, that is the problem with all of this stuff no one
    ever explains how to put it to use in the real world

  6. I want to double my love to humanity, reduce my ego, double my caring and
    honesty, double my sense of consciousness decrease my hate, bias and hate.
    if we all double our love for humanity we wont have extreme rich and
    poverty..because some people have real obsticles some have disease some are
    mentally sick, torn families, disabled…Once we care for each other
    everyone can better the world in his unique way..not all are business men

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