13 thoughts on “Sewing Basics #2: 7 Ways to Attach/Use Elastic

  1. Fantastic video! Very informative and straight to the point!
    I was looking for something like that. I’m glad you stick to the
    information and demonstration only 🙂
    Thank you for sharing 🙂 

  2. I appreciate this. My fiancé gave me one of his dress shirts to play with.
    It’s long and wide on me so I wanted to turn it into a shirt dress. I had
    the idea to take in the sides and shirr the back so it could accommodate my
    *ahem* curves. This was a really easy to understand tutorial.

  3. thanks for sharing that was really easy to follow. could you please do one
    on how to measure the elastic ankles arms and waist. 

  4. thank you so much xx i have a 4 maxi dresses that have a whole bunch of
    shiring to the bodice and its com undone/elastic broke. i was gonna chuck
    them away but now im gona fix them and save tones of money not needing to
    replace 4 dresses. thanks so much x

  5. I love that you talked fast! Sometimes I think that videos are too long and
    drawn out. You kept my interest, and I believe that your fast talking
    helped me to not leave before you were done. Thanx for sharing your sewing
    techniques. I look forward to finding more!

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