Latin America’s Economic Boom Explained 1 of 2 – BBC News and Documentary

Latin America's Economic Boom Explained 1 of 2 - BBC News and Documentary

Latin America’s Economic Boom Explained 1 of 2 – BBC News and Documentary, recorded 18.10.2010 A look at how Countries all around Latin America continue to p…
Video Rating: 4 / 5

History of US Rule in Latin America; Elections and Resistance to the Coup in Honduras – Professor Noam Chomsky PhD. Filmed by Paul Hubbard at Massachusetts I…
Video Rating: 4 / 5

37 thoughts on “Latin America’s Economic Boom Explained 1 of 2 – BBC News and Documentary

  1. I’m sorry BBC but 1 or 2 cases of corporations helping in military coups?
    Haven’t the countless declassified documents by the clinton administration
    as well as wikileaks taught us anything about how far from reality that
    kind of rhetoric lies? Either way, even if the coverage focussed
    excessively on how corporations like Dole (there’s a quite interesting
    documentary called Bananas which proves the BBC otherwise), and how they
    allegedly contributed to latin americas economic boom, at least they
    briefly mentioned the REAL contributors, mainly the growth of domestic
    industries in the respective countries and decrease in dependence in the US
    (both in investment AND in multinational corporations). Maybe it would’ve
    been better if the documentary focussed more on the types of popular
    self-empowerment that the engaging of communities and latin american
    populations in their OWN businesses brought to the economy, but,
    considering the fact that it is unfortunately not the kind of capitalism
    that the West advocate for developing nations (even though they advocate it
    for themselves), and that this coverage did have a pre-determined concept
    behind it, I understand the BBC perversion from the facts.

  2. ethically minded and enviromentally sensitive Europeans as Prime Organic
    Bananas-(CarbonFootprint included free with every purchase)- Compensate you
    (only) Just adequately – you might not get rich overnight, BuT Look HOW
    MuCH playing on our TEAM has IMPrOvED your Life!! While we’re laughing all
    the way to the bank in our clean cut white collar suits and designer hats –
    – – Viva La Banana Republica!!!!!” …… …. … … …. …. …. …
    …. … … … … Makes my blood boil!!!!!>_<

  3. Dear Jaezez!!!! That “Modern Migrants” section is true HorrorO_o “Dont mind
    the silly suspicious unshophistocated natives and their UNECONOMIC
    subsistace lifestyles – Multinationals Are NECESSARY for Good old GROwTH-
    Listen to the wise beardy White Man,-> tut tut tut now -we mustn’t
    GEnERalZE based on one or two isolated cases of poor practice. So why not
    GeT on the TEAM! And give us your subsistance Bananas -and we’ll fly them
    halfway across the globe to flog them to ethically mined and

  4. i mean seriously brazilians have a staedy supply of food, are clothed
    extremely well have a very efficient system of transportation and live in
    beautiful enviorment…yes the houses are poor in quality. In California
    homes have good spacious quality and have good views but they also have a
    high rate of crime and have terrible education system(high drop out rate),
    Innifecient&very expensive transportation system,Police harrasment,Meth
    capital,little jobs. yet is the 8th largest economy in world

  5. “No more white people in the power” HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA you are
    hilarious. Latin America is a racist society, you can see how most
    presidents, governments, businessmen, bankers, lawyers are white or have
    European ancestry, and how most people who are poor are indigenous people,
    blacks or mixed race. It’s not ok, but that’s the way it is.

  6. Why Latin America has been stagnant? Simple, weak institutions: weak
    Central Banks, corruption, poor judicial system, lack of enforcement of
    existing laws, lack of consistent policies and lack of faith in market and
    free trade. Fortunately Chile and Brazil have been taking the right path
    consistently over a long period of time and there you see the results

  7. Jeeeesus F..king Christ (the church of England Christ, yes yes quit, with a
    British accent), I can’t believe the fake naiveté expressed on this video
    and this from the BBC. They are English by God, they should know better. If
    a large fruit Co. from an enlightened industrialized country gives a Latin
    American peasant a fish, he eats for a day, or it can befriend and arm the
    local strongman, take away the peasant’s land, and force him into lifelong
    serfdom on said Co.’s monoculture cash crop.

  8. But noooo, now said Co. under a new name has to come in and offer the now
    small land owner a better price so he can make a decent living. Worst of
    all he can now educate his child, how dare he, the insolence! If that is
    not enough said Co. has to teach this now small land owner how to grow
    bananas who has been growing bananas for generations. Does the burden on
    the white man ever end.

  9. WAAAAAS ??? Ich bin also ein Untermensch ? Weil mein Grossvater 1922
    Deutschland verliess , und mein Ur-Grossvater anderer Seite 1768 dass selbe
    aus Spanien / Portugal tat ? ICH BIN ALSO EIN UNTERMENSCH ?????????????
    GOTT HELFE DIR , WEIL ICKE TU`S NICHT !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Soll Dich Der
    Teufel Selbst Holen …

  10. Chile isn’t the best in education. Matter of fact it’s still one of the
    worst with education (lower, middle and higher education). In education
    Brazil dominates your hispanic country, include in economy include in
    investing in South America and other southern hemispheer nations. Brazil
    has a long way to go, but it’s doing much better compare to Chile that’s
    smaller than the GDP (and level of education) of the State of Sao Paulo.

  11. i know, chile has the worst education systems because they are similar to
    the US’s with hgih ass tuition rates and decent educators. Argentina has a
    good education level. the rest of south america is horrible. As i said
    Brazil is investing in all of south america like the US is investing in
    China but whatever …. the people never see that money anywase..wether its
    mexico to brazil or chile… the people are still broke yet still happy and
    barely making it.

  12. @drazenkoj1990 > working on it, but right now you had better get advise
    from your embassy for tourist locations … Runi

  13. That’s very true the economy is growing in south America in Colombia’s case
    what happens was father the war with drug cartels Colombia was left alone ,
    letting to recovery , we still having security problems but not as big as
    in the past , also agriculture and resources are a big part for our economy
    Canada china and Germany had invest on Colombia wish had improve there
    economy and ours as you could see now days , we also don’t depend much on
    the touristic wish is a benefit on part

  14. @lbrtmtt85 > One point that was not mentioned here, & this is part of the
    reports bias, is that Latin America was not invited to take part in the
    Wests “Hedge-Fund Feeding Frenzy”.. while USA, UK and other Western
    Countries were secretly investing in dodgy hedge funds, Latin America was
    still doing banking the old fashioned way.. The good thing is that when the
    banks in the rest of the world collapsed, the Latin American investments
    remained free of debt & then rising commodity prices helped…

  15. In Percentage Argentina is doing good, but in reality with rampant of
    inflation, your country is becoming a nightmare.

  16. Ignorance is bliss. When you don’t know any better you have no reason to be
    disappointed. I speak from self experience. I was born and lived in Brazil
    until the age of 16 and had a very happy life but once i stepped out i
    realized how lacking Brazil really was. I’m glad the continent as a whole
    it progressing but it will be many decades still at this rate until people
    can be truly happy.

  17. Hello, Can someone please send me some information about the wholesale
    markets in Brazil, the areas they are located in along with the types of
    products, please send me a private message thanks

  18. Du solltest wissen, dass mein Ur-Grossvater – Don Enrique de Güimaraes –
    Die erste Malaria tablette entwickelt hat …, es sterben ohnehhin ein
    Mensch pro 6 sekunden an Malaria — Die höchste Todesrate durch Erkrankung
    die je beschrieben wurde … Mein Ur-Grossvater entwickelte die erste
    Malaria Tablette , auf die basis von Chinin, aus einer Baum-rinde entnommen
    – Und stellte sie frei an BAYER AG –

  19. “Well there is an essential difference between immigrating to a state and
    colonizing it. An immigrant openly submits and integrates with the rules of
    a given state.”

    Well I agree there is an essential difference between immigrating to a
    state and colonizing it I do not necessarily agree with the last pert of
    this statement (it is to black and white). Did the American slave owning
    settlers moving into Mexican territory submit and integrate with the rules
    of the given state? Certainly not because slavery was banned in Mexico.
    Texas slave-owners continuously sought ways to circumvent Mexican law. Many
    historical examples prove that immigrants do not openly submit and
    integrate with the rules of a given state.

    A lot of Latin American immigrants who came to the United States came
    because the USA helped put dictators into power in their countries that
    brutalized them. They came because they had no where else to go in their
    opinion. Nobody wants to leave their homeland, nobody wants to leave family
    behind, nobody wants to be a stranger in a strange land. Also immigrants
    helped form the rules of this given state and helped build this given
    state. This given state was constructed on the backs of immigrant workers
    and is irrevocably connected to them. This country wouldn’t be the rich
    nation it is if it wasn’t for immigrants.

  20. And what you are is a mental midget who can not think for himself! And
    needs another mental midget and con artists like David Duke. To think for
    yourself .. As a white person you are an embarrassment.. A loser who did
    not get what he wanted in life and now go around blaming others for your
    failure in life. Pathetic..

  21. Well there is an essential difference between immigrating to a state and
    colonizing it. An immigrant openly submits and integrates with the rules of
    a given state. Immigrants do not bring down the sovereignty of a country
    and reestablish a new system that reserves and guarantees outsiders’
    interest, colonizers on the other hand usually do. It is so clear that it’s
    so embarrassing to make a clear confusion about it.

  22. @tstruss912 Look around, take any commercial, the man in it is shown as so
    stupid you hope the Men In White come to reclaim him…Or THE biggest
    selling movie of all time is AVATAR, where betraying your whole PLANET–not
    your nation, your race, or even your species–is an Heroic Act! Wait, I
    thought traitors were supposed to “Get It” in a Double Plus Ungood way, by
    some random act of environment if the Hero was Too Good to kill him?! Or
    shiny/whiny Vampires upstaging badasses like BLADE?

  23. @12107170 I don’t believe much in taking dogmatic sides in either
    direction, i prefer to look at things realistically. And i agree with
    Chomsky on the point that we should apply the ancient saying “know thyself”
    to ourselves not just personally, but on the nation as a whole before we
    start praising ourselves too much, or criticizing others.

  24. Seriously when he comes to Ireland a room 5 times the size of that one is
    full and there are big screens outside the hall for those who can’t get in.
    But then again the anarchist group meetings are small affairs alright.

  25. I don’t really think that the best solution would be to have Whites leave.
    I think that the most obvious solution to so-called immigration to the US
    is to simply admit that the people coming in are the original inhabitants
    of the area and are also Native American to boot. Just except them and stop
    losing your mind over indigenous people populating their own land.

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