18 thoughts on “STEPHEN KING on Writing, Scary Stories, and More

  1. Short stories aren’t harder to write than novels! I don’t get people’s
    opinions here. It’s much harder to write a good novel than a short story.
    The keyword here being ‘good’ novel; that is, one that flows well toward a
    satisfying conclusion. If you look on Amazon, everyone would rather buy a
    full-length novel than a short story, even if it’s total crap. I’d much
    rather be able to write novels than short stories!

  2. It is said that those that master the short story make the best novelists.
    Short stories are no easier to write than a novel, either, and take great
    skill — even more so if under 10k.

    Anyway, nice interview. Shame it cut…

  3. In support of short story writing.

    (Ah, too bad Borders is out of business now. They made some good videos.)

  4. IF you are in the business of creating content for people, listen to
    masters of the craft. Fact or fiction, these people create TONS of engaging
    content and know how to write what people want to read.

  5. I love Stephen King but how come he always wears a t-shirt in everyone of
    his interviews? i’m sensing that he likes the absolute ‘casual’ look.

  6. Well…without throwing in with those whom only seem to comment to get a
    response, may I please say I thought what King said about the short story
    art-form is spot on. I have published a novella and am currently working on
    three subsequent novels. Writing a story and getting it all out there in 15
    to 25 thousand words is not an easy task. If you write, you know what I
    mean. Please respect the fact that writing is the truest baring of the soul
    of the writer. It takes courage, man…

  7. I love that book my first King book was the Shining read it at the age of
    13 didn’t understand a thing lol. Watched the movie a few years ago
    understood so I tried the book agian and understood it.

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