TF2: F2P vs P2P – My Opinion

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25 thoughts on “TF2: F2P vs P2P – My Opinion

  1. Basicly this is all true, but if you would REALLY examine this topic, i
    think most of the TF2 Players without a Premium Account (F2P) have less
    skill, experience, logic, than most players with a Premium Account (P2P)

    Also, if you would get a black hat in real life, including some weird
    looking goggles, would you wear them? and Why?

  2. I’m an adult and I have money. I haven’t paid for the game or anything in
    1) Self-control – I never asked for a free item, I’ve seen only premuims do
    that (I met a guy that had b-day every day and demanded gifts). 😀
    2) Dedication – I play on a regular basis, not putting money into something
    doesn’t mean you are not dedicated.
    3) Skill – I have probably more hours than majority of premiums.
    Basically I just want to play the game and not being yelled at for not
    having a cool hat. From my experience anyone who whines F2Ps are noobs is a
    butthurt idiot. Person I had most fun playing with is a F2P, he doesn’t
    even know anything about trading, prices, crates, he doesn’t know what
    “F2P” means, but he just knows how to play the game and he’s very good at
    it. I think this whole F2P argument was caused by Valve crucifying F2Ps,
    they managed to make very visible distinction between those two groups
    (it’s like Jews in Nazi Germany). It’s like “you don’t pay, you’re
    punished”. Unless they remake the whole system to more fair system this
    debate will remain. This game can be free to play for a second, but once
    you get into it, it’s not free to play anymore and is very unfair (for many
    reasons: hostile P2P community yells at you, no trading, 50 slots to keep
    far more weapons that you should have the equal right to possess, …).
    Props to those who read the whole thing. :)

  3. “Look good, feel good, play good” perfect description of TF2 P2P
    I know I feel unstoppable in my golden gibus

  4. I have almost 1000 hours into the game, and I’d say that I’m a damn good
    Soldier, but I maybe have 1-2 hats for each class and no unusual, and I’m
    fine with that. I play because I enjoy the game, but I have to agree that
    getting new items is kind of exiting.

  5. Money isn’t dedication, practice is. Someone who practices is probably
    better than someone who spends $20 to make their character look better.

  6. I have spent around 3 € on this game, but the free item drops have given me
    enough so that with minimal trading I have even managed to sell 17 € worth
    of items. I don’t have an unusual though so does that make me f2p?

  7. I am a F2P and I really don’t care about trading or stranges or hats. If my
    character doesn’t have a hat so what? Do you hang out with the cool kids
    group because your a P2P? Honestly I just like to play payload and Attack
    and Defend on TF2. I am happy enough with winning I don’t need to buy a hat
    to make myself feel better. I am not a 12 year old I am 15 so don’t start
    the whole “omg u codz fanboy nube f2p can’t haz hats luls”.

  8. I got the message and all… but something about this video just rubs me
    the wrong way. You can have dedication without spending money on the game,
    you just won’t have the satisfaction of knowing that you supported the game
    developers. If you like a game to put time and effort into playing it, then
    you have dedication, with or without hats. In terms of self control, I have
    indeed seen some F2Ps begging for hats or metal, but for every one person
    that begs, there are probably 10 or so people that don’t beg and just play
    the game. I do agree with you in some aspects of the video, but I just
    can’t agree with it all.

  9. I played several months as F2P. I started on a variation of 2fort. Typical
    capper scout 🙂 Got better and than sometime I bought something from the
    shop. Well the end of the story, let them some time to experience the
    game.. I would not pay for a game I don’t like.

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